

string NormalizeLength(string value, int maxLength)
    return value.Substring(0, maxLength);


string NormalizeLength(string value, int maxLength)
    return value.Length <= maxLength ? value : value.Substring(0, maxLength);




public static string _TruncateString(string input, int charaterlimit)
    int characterLimit = charaterlimit;
    string output = input;

    // Check if the string is longer than the allowed amount
    // otherwise do nothing
    if (output.Length > characterLimit && characterLimit > 0)
        // cut the string down to the maximum number of characters
        output = output.Substring(0, characterLimit);
        // Check if the character right after the truncate point was a space
        // if not, we are in the middle of a word and need to remove the rest of it
        if (input.Substring(output.Length, 1) != " ")
            int LastSpace = output.LastIndexOf(" ");

            // if we found a space then, cut back to that space
            if (LastSpace != -1)
                output = output.Substring(0, LastSpace);
        // Finally, add the "..."
        output += "...";
    return output;



var val = string.Concat(Enumerable.Range(0, 50).Select(i => i % 10));

foreach(var limit in new[] { 10, 25, 44, 64 })
    new Perf<string> {
        { "newstring" + limit, n => new string(val.Take(limit).ToArray()) },
        { "concat" + limit, n => string.Concat(val.Take(limit)) },
        { "truncate" + limit, n => val.Substring(0, Math.Min(val.Length, limit)) },
        { "smart-trunc" + limit, n => val.Length <= limit ? val : val.Substring(0, limit) },
        { "stringbuilder" + limit, n => new StringBuilder(val, 0, Math.Min(val.Length, limit), limit).ToString() },

截断法“明显”更快。# microoptimization


truncate10 5788滴答流逝(0.5788 ms) [10K次,5.788E-05 ms /次] smart-trunc10 8206滴答流逝(0.8206 ms) [10K次,8.206E-05 ms /次] stringbuilder10 10557滴答流逝(1.0557 ms) [10K次,0.00010557 ms /次] concat10 45495滴答流逝(4.5495 ms) [10K次,0.00045495 ms /次] 时间流逝(7.2535 ms) [10K次,0.00072535 ms /次]


truncate44 8835滴答流逝(0.8835 ms) [10K次,8.835E-05 ms /次] 13106滴答流逝(1.3106 ms) [10K次,0.00013106 ms /次] smart-trunc44 14821滴答流逝(1.4821毫秒)[10K次,0.00014821毫秒/次] 时间流逝(14.4324 ms) [10K次,0.00144324 ms /次] concat44 174610滴答流逝(17.461毫秒)[每10K次,0.0017461毫秒]


smart-trunc64 6944滴答流逝(0.6944毫秒)[在10K次中,6.944E-05毫秒每] truncate64 7686滴答流逝(0.7686 ms) [10K次,7.686E-05 ms /次] stringbuilder64 13314滴答流逝(1.3314 ms) [10K次,0.00013314 ms /次] 时间流逝(17.7481 ms) [10K次,0.00177481 ms /次] concat64 241601滴答流逝(24.1601毫秒)[每10K次,0.00241601毫秒]


public static class StringExt
    public static string Truncate(this string value, int maxLength)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) return value;
        return value.Length <= maxLength ? value : value.Substring(0, maxLength); 


var someString = "...";
someString = someString.Truncate(2);


public static class StringExt
    public static string? Truncate(this string? value, int maxLength, string truncationSuffix = "…")
        return value?.Length > maxLength
            ? value.Substring(0, maxLength) + truncationSuffix
            : value;


"abc".Truncate(2);          // "ab…"
"abc".Truncate(3);          // "abc"
((string)null).Truncate(3); // null


public static string Truncate(this string value, int maxLength, bool replaceTruncatedCharWithEllipsis = false)
    if (replaceTruncatedCharWithEllipsis && maxLength <= 3)
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("maxLength",
            "maxLength should be greater than three when replacing with an ellipsis.");

    if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value)) 
        return String.Empty;

    if (replaceTruncatedCharWithEllipsis &&
        value.Length > maxLength)
        return value.Substring(0, maxLength - 3) + "...";

    return value.Substring(0, Math.Min(value.Length, maxLength)); 


string result = string.Join("", value.Take(maxLength)); // .NET 4 Join


string result = new string(value.Take(maxLength).ToArray());


public static string _TruncateString(string input, int charaterlimit)
    int characterLimit = charaterlimit;
    string output = input;

    // Check if the string is longer than the allowed amount
    // otherwise do nothing
    if (output.Length > characterLimit && characterLimit > 0)
        // cut the string down to the maximum number of characters
        output = output.Substring(0, characterLimit);
        // Check if the character right after the truncate point was a space
        // if not, we are in the middle of a word and need to remove the rest of it
        if (input.Substring(output.Length, 1) != " ")
            int LastSpace = output.LastIndexOf(" ");

            // if we found a space then, cut back to that space
            if (LastSpace != -1)
                output = output.Substring(0, LastSpace);
        // Finally, add the "..."
        output += "...";
    return output;