我尝试在windows 10上通过Pycharm IDE使用matplotlib包。 当我运行这段代码时:

from matplotlib import pyplot


ImportError: No module named 'tkinter'

我知道在python2中。它被称为Tkinter,但这不是问题-我只是安装了一个全新的python 3.5.1。

编辑:此外,我还尝试导入'tkinter'和'tkinter' -这两个都不工作(都返回了我提到的错误消息)。


Almost all answers I searched for this issue say that Python on Windows comes with tkinter and tcl already installed, and I had no luck trying to download or install them using pip, or actviestate.com site. I eventually found that when I was installing python using the binary installer, I had unchecked the module related to TCL and tkinter. So, I ran the binary installer again and chose to modify my python version by this time selecting this option. No need to do anything manually then. If you go to your python terminal, then the following commands should show you version of tkinter installed with your Python:

import tkinter
import _tkinter


Almost all answers I searched for this issue say that Python on Windows comes with tkinter and tcl already installed, and I had no luck trying to download or install them using pip, or actviestate.com site. I eventually found that when I was installing python using the binary installer, I had unchecked the module related to TCL and tkinter. So, I ran the binary installer again and chose to modify my python version by this time selecting this option. No need to do anything manually then. If you go to your python terminal, then the following commands should show you version of tkinter installed with your Python:

import tkinter
import _tkinter


进入开始菜单,输入应用程序和功能, 在搜索框中搜索“python”, 选择Python版本(例如Python 3.8.3rc1(32位))并单击修改, 在“修改设置”页面单击“修改”, 勾选td/tk和IDLE复选框(这会安装tkinter),然后单击下一步。


如果你使用的是python 3.6,这对我来说是有效的:

sudo apt-get install python3.6-tk


sudo apt-get install python3-tk



sudo dnf install python3-tkinter

我认为你之后不需要导入tkinter 我也建议你使用virtualenv

$ python3 -m venv myvenv
$ source myvenv/bin/activate


在CentOS 6.5和python 2.7上,我需要做:yum安装python27-tkinter