


git log shows a history of all your commits for the branch you're on. Checkout a different branch and you'll see a different commit history. If you want to see you commit history for all branches, type git log --all. git reflog shows a record of your references as Cupcake said. There is an entry each time a commit or a checkout it done. Try switching back and forth between two branches a few times using git checkout and run git reflog after each checkout. You'll see the top entry being updated each time as a "checkout" entry. You do not see these types of entries in git log.

引用: http://www.lornajane.net/posts/2014/git-log-all-branches



实验:将HEAD直接指向一些commit: git checkout a721d(创建新的repo并用提交和分支填充它。用一些提交代码替换a721d)并删除rm .git/refs/heads/*分支 现在git log——oneline将只显示HEAD及其提交的祖先。

另一方面,Git reflog使用在.git/logs中创建的直接日志

实验:rm -rf .git/logs, git reflog为空。

不管怎样,即使你丢失了所有标签、所有分支和logs文件夹中的所有日志,提交对象仍然在.git/objects目录中,所以如果你发现所有悬挂的提交,你可以重建树:git fsck


(在实践中,一些提交有多个父文件。要查看更有代表性的日志,可以使用git log——oneline——graph——decoration这样的命令。)

git reflog根本不遍历HEAD的祖先。reflog是HEAD所指向的一个有序的提交列表:它是你的repo的撤销历史。reflog不是repo本身的一部分(它被单独存储到提交本身),并且不包括在push、fetch或clone中;这纯粹是本地的。



git log shows a history of all your commits for the branch you're on. Checkout a different branch and you'll see a different commit history. If you want to see you commit history for all branches, type git log --all. git reflog shows a record of your references as Cupcake said. There is an entry each time a commit or a checkout it done. Try switching back and forth between two branches a few times using git checkout and run git reflog after each checkout. You'll see the top entry being updated each time as a "checkout" entry. You do not see these types of entries in git log.

引用: http://www.lornajane.net/posts/2014/git-log-all-branches

Git日志显示了从refs(头,标签,远程)访问的提交日志。 Git reflog记录了任何时候在你的repo中被引用或被引用的所有提交。

这就是为什么当你执行“破坏性”操作(比如删除一个分支)时使用git reflog(默认90天后修剪的本地记录),以获得该分支引用的SHA1。 参见git配置:


Git reflog expire删除比这个时间更老的reflog条目;默认为90天。 “<模式>”(例如:"refs/stash"),该设置只适用于匹配<pattern>的引用。

Git reflog通常被称为“您的安全网”


“保持冷静,使用git reflog”

同样,reflog是SHA1的本地记录。 与git日志相反:如果你将你的回购推到上游的回购,你会看到相同的git日志,但不一定是相同的git reflog。

下面是Pro Git书中对reflog的解释:

One of the things Git does in the background while you’re working away is keep a reflog — a log of where your HEAD and branch references have been for the last few months. You can see your reflog by using git reflog: $ git reflog 734713b... HEAD@{0}: commit: fixed refs handling, added gc auto, updated d921970... HEAD@{1}: merge phedders/rdocs: Merge made by recursive. 1c002dd... HEAD@{2}: commit: added some blame and merge stuff 1c36188... HEAD@{3}: rebase -i (squash): updating HEAD 95df984... HEAD@{4}: commit: # This is a combination of two commits. 1c36188... HEAD@{5}: rebase -i (squash): updating HEAD 7e05da5... HEAD@{6}: rebase -i (pick): updating HEAD Every time your branch tip is updated for any reason, Git stores that information for you in this temporary history. And you can specify older commits with this data, as well.


expire子命令用于删除旧的reflog表项。 要从reflog中删除单个条目,使用delete子命令并指定确切的条目(例如git reflog delete master@{2})。