即使按照https://developer.chrome.com/docs/devtools/remote-debugging/上列出的步骤操作,我还是无法在我的三星Galaxy S4上使用DevTools Devices功能

我的设备有Chrome v32和Chrome Beta v33,而我的个人电脑有Chrome v33和Chrome Canary v35。




我是应用程序编程的新手,这是我在尝试使用LG G3设备进行示例程序调试时遇到的第一个问题。上面有详细说明的职位应该适用于所有人。我补充了我的经验,以防它能帮助到其他人:

I had followed instructions step by step but one. That is, installing the USB driver from my OEM. My phone kept notifying that the debugging is on (in the notification area) and I could transfer data as well as charge. That made me think that appropriate USB drivers are installed. But it wasn't. Finally I went to LG site and downloaded the USB driver for my LG G3. Right after I installed the driver and reconnected the phone to the computer via the cable, I got the RSA key prompt. My Chrome now detects it and I was able to get my app run on my phone via Android studio as well.


我尝试了@maurice cruz的答案,但无法找到实际的司机。然后我发现这篇文章有一个全球LG驱动程序的下载(不确定是否涵盖了所有,但很多)。安装完成后,关闭usb调试开关,然后打开,系统提示我接受RSA。

三星手机+ Windows电脑


设置/关于电话/软件信息/版本号 (点击7次打开开发者模式) 设置/开发人员选项/ USB调试(打开)


Install Samsung USB driver https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html Install ADB https://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2317790 (in the forum scroll down to the section "Downloads" to get the newest version of ADB) After ADB installation CMD should pop up -> start ADB with command "adb devices" (for example "C:\Program Files (x86)\Minimal ADB and Fastboot> adb devices") Connect your phone to your PC with USB cable Alert about the connection should pop up on your phone (allow it) In Chrome on your PC open Developer tools / More tools / Remote devices and you should finally see your phone being detected


或者你可以去你的Android SDK,运行adb设备,这将迫使重新协商。



用的是三星Galaxy S9,运行Android Pie。——2019年5月 类似于上面的答案,以及NickW的答案: 设备连接好后,不要进入设置,而是进入手机的通知栏> Android系统,然后“点击其他USB选项”。在选项下选择MIDI,您就可以开始了!