我在Linux上使用bash shell。我有这个简单的脚本…


TEMP=`sed -n '/'"Starting deployment of"'/,/'"Failed to start context"'/p' "/usr/java/jboss/standalone/log/server.log" | tac | awk '/'"Starting deployment of"'/ {print;exit} 1' | tac`
echo $TEMP






$ f="fafafda
> adffd
> adfadf
> adfafd
> afd"

$ echo $f fafafda adffd adfadf adfafd afd $ echo "$f" fafafda adffd adfadf adfafd afd Without quotes, the shell replaces $TEMP with the characters it contains (one of which is a newline). Then, before invoking echo shell splits that string into multiple arguments using the Internal Field Separator (IFS), and passes that resulting list of arguments to echo. By default, the IFS is set to whitespace (spaces, tabs, and newlines), so the shell chops your $TEMP string into arguments and it never gets to see the newline, because the shell considers it a separator, just like a space.


ubuntu@host: ~ /应用程序美元= " abc > def” ubuntu@host:~/apps$ echo $apps abc def ubuntu@host:~/apps$ echo "$apps" 美国广播公司 def