__block MyDataProcessor *dp = self;
self.progressBlock = ^(CGFloat percentComplete) {
[dp.delegate myAPI:dp isProcessingWithProgress:percentComplete];
如果你使用ARC, __block的语义会改变,引用会被保留,在这种情况下你应该声明它为__weak。
self.progressBlock = ^(CGFloat percentComplete) {
[self.delegate processingWithProgress:percentComplete];
The problem here is that self is retaining a reference to the block; meanwhile the block must retain a reference to self in order to fetch its delegate property and send the delegate a method. If everything else in your app releases its reference to this object, its retain count won't be zero (because the block is pointing to it) and the block isn't doing anything wrong (because the object is pointing to it) and so the pair of objects will leak into the heap, occupying memory but forever unreachable without a debugger. Tragic, really.
id progressDelegate = self.delegate;
self.progressBlock = ^(CGFloat percentComplete) {
[progressDelegate processingWithProgress:percentComplete];
In this code, self is retaining the block, the block is retaining the delegate, and there are no cycles (visible from here; the delegate may retain our object but that's out of our hands right now). This code won't risk a leak in the same way, because the value of the delegate property is captured when the block is created, instead of looked up when it executes. A side effect is that, if you change the delegate after this block is created, the block will still send update messages to the old delegate. Whether that is likely to happen or not depends on your application.
self.dataProcessor.progress = ^(CGFloat percentComplete) {
[self.delegate myAPI:self isProcessingWithProgress:percentComplete];
self.dataProcessor.progress = ^(MyDataProcessor *dp, CGFloat percentComplete) {
[dp.delegate myAPI:dp isProcessingWithProgress:percentComplete];
If you can't change the block, you could deal with it. The reason a retain cycle is a warning, not an error, is that they don't necessarily spell doom for your application. If MyDataProcessor is able to release the blocks when the operation is complete, before its parent would try to release it, the cycle will be broken and everything will be cleaned up properly. If you could be sure of this, then the right thing to do would be to use a #pragma to suppress the warnings for that block of code. (Or use a per-file compiler flag. But don't disable the warning for the whole project.)
__weak MyDataProcessor *dp = self; // OK for iOS 5 only
__unsafe_unretained MyDataProcessor *dp = self; // OK for iOS 4.x and up
__block MyDataProcessor *dp = self; // OK if you aren't using ARC
self.progressBlock = ^(CGFloat percentComplete) {
[dp.delegate myAPI:dp isProcessingWithProgress:percentComplete];