
所以我问你,Vim专家:使用缓冲区比使用制表符有什么优点?我看不出两者之间的差别有多大,但我认为自己在操作Vim方面只是处于初级-中级水平。:ls:b#真的比get around快那么多吗?我觉得事情肯定不止于此。





Most "modern" text editors and IDEs use a tab metaphor to represent loaded files. That metaphor acts as an information system — it shows the user what files are opened and their state — and as an interactive device — it allows the user to manipulate (reorder, select, close…) those opened files. Despite their many limitations, tabs are everywhere and people are used to them and expect them everywhere. Vim introduced tab pages in 7.0 as a way for its users to create ad-hoc "workspaces". Nothing in their features, their specific options, their specific commands or their :help sections suggests that tab pages could or should be used as file proxies. Nothing except the name and the appearance of "tab pages", of course, which leads to much confusion. Without :set hidden, which is disabled by default and not very easy to find, Vim makes it impossible to switch to another buffer without writing the current one or abandoning its changes. New users, unaware of that option, have no choice but to turn to heavy windows use or to the closest "tab-like" feature they can find: tab pages.

“Tab page”是该功能的一个不幸的名称选择,特别是在一个被阅读文档是浪费时间的想法所主导的时代。




8个缓冲区打开,只有一个可见: 按号码切换: 按名称切换:



With a window-based workflow, your "files" are both distributed along the same single "virtual" dimension as they would if you only used buffers and along two other "physical" dimensions. But the cartesian spaces in which those dimensions are found are almost completely separated: moving to another buffer still means "moving to another file" but moving to another window doesn't. The buffer that corresponds to the desired file may be displayed in that window but it could also be displayed in another one, maybe in another tab page, or not at all.







Still working with the same files as above, the tabline takes up a significant space for virtually no benefit. All my files and all my tabs are called javascript*.vim so I can't do 3gt and be confident I'll end up at the right place and it is impossible to reach a specific tab by name. Add to that the fact that its label can very well be the very unhelpful but perfectly logical [Quickfix List]… Since there is no practical way to tie a file/buffer to a tab page, you are basically left with only one practical way to navigate between tab pages/buffers/files: cycling.


在8个标签页中打开8个缓冲区(错误) 用于两个特定任务的两个选项卡(右)




“Vim专家”有2个,30个或97个缓冲区加载,他们很高兴他们不需要处理空间分布; 当他们需要比较两个文件或工作在当前缓冲区的一部分,同时保持另一部分作为引用时,“Vim专家”使用窗口,因为这就是它们的使用方式; 当他们需要在项目的一个单独的部分上工作一段时间而不打乱他们当前的视图时,“Vim专家”会加载一个全新的标签页。


制表符和缓冲区是Vi中两个不同的标准。 阅读以下三个定义:

A buffer is the in-memory text of a file
A window is a viewport on a buffer.
A tab page is a collection of windows.



One can have as many buffers that are carefully hidden, somewhere; By design, tabs are meant to display bufferes in creative ways. With some proper tabline plugin, one can display all the hidden buffers at the top row (tabline); Per my experience with vim-airline, the tabline will show very few relevant information when I create a new tab. Two tags will occupy the tabline slot, side by side, wasting the rest of the horizontal spaces Worst still, I no longer have any idea of what are the buffers that are hidden.

这是对这个神奇插件的一次奇妙的重新发现,它也应该在我的Vim配置中存在很多年了。 当我继续寻找一些东西,也显示所有隐藏的缓冲区,TabMan是我的超人,当它有一个鸟瞰缓冲区如何安排在不同的选项卡。

I load "selected" buffers as tabs to quickly (TAB/S-TAB) toggle between them. The framework of workspaces fits here as for me buffers VS tabs is mostly the visibility thing. I can pop important/work files in windows and tabs and hide the ones I don't currently need to utilize in the background on the fly without having to remember paths or take time to search and load them up again once the need arises. This allows for handling several tasks or projects in one VIM session, I guess this used to be important in low-memory machines but is also good for concentrating all editing tasks under one application frame. I also have buffer shifting shortcuts set to Ctrl-Right/Left so I can quickly shift through various buffers as well.




:nnoremap <Tab> :n<cr>
:nnoremap <S-Tab> :N<cr>



TLDR;:b *part-of-filename*是在缓冲区列表中找到你需要的文件的最好方法,即它比缓冲区数字,选项卡或跟踪文件的窗口更快,认知负载更少。

对我来说,打开30个缓冲区没什么(也就是说,我没有做过内务管理),而且使用缓冲区的好处是它根本不会减慢我的速度。事实上,当我打开我需要的文件四天后,调用:b *part-of-filename*,它就神奇地出现了,给同事和今天的集体主义者留下了深刻的印象。



Open an important first file from a devilishly well chosen root directory Open subsequent files with :e Use ls ALL the time when you first start to get a good mental model (you can't grok what you can't see, mentally or literally) Never :q, it blows Enter :b into your muscle memory :b1 is good for the first file you know you opened, otherwise numbers and letters get clumsy quick :b# is good for switching to your last file, which is a common need :bd# is good for when you've switched to a temp file, done what you needed to do, switched back with :b#, and now want to close that temp file :b *part-of-filename* is otherwise the best way to find a file you need in the list i.e. it is FASTER and has LESS cognitive load than buffer numbers, tabs, or windows for tracking files.

唯一的烦恼:b *part-of-filename*是有时你还没有打开文件,你需要先返回:e path/to/full-filename。



或者很少使用,但可以预见需要的文件。对我来说,这通常是一个我在工作时注释的commitMessage文件,所以当我需要提交时,我不必做太多的思考。Gt比:bcom <enter>快(如果你觉得幸运的话,否则:bcom <tab><enter>)

:课程commitMessage gt或gt也是肌肉记忆的最爱



:vsp或C-w v打开一个垂直分割,即左|右,然后使用:b或:e得到你想要的文件 :sp或C-w打开一个水平的裂口,即顶部/底部 即双Ctrl-w,旋转您围绕可用的窗口 c -w c关闭电流窗口 C-w o关闭所有其他窗口,只保持当前