我还不熟悉ECMAScript 6。我刚刚克隆了React Starter Kit repo,它使用ES6作为应用程序代码。我很惊讶地看到linter被配置为禁止use strict指令的出现,我认为这是在es6之前的JavaScript中推荐的。那么这有什么意义呢?
10.2.1 Strict Mode Code An ECMAScript Script syntactic unit may be processed using either unrestricted or strict mode syntax and semantics. Code is interpreted as strict mode code in the following situations: Global code is strict mode code if it begins with a Directive Prologue that contains a Use Strict Directive (see 14.1.1). Module code is always strict mode code. All parts of a ClassDeclaration or a ClassExpression are strict mode code. Eval code is strict mode code if it begins with a Directive Prologue that contains a Use Strict Directive or if the call to eval is a direct eval (see that is contained in strict mode code. Function code is strict mode code if the associated FunctionDeclaration, FunctionExpression, GeneratorDeclaration, GeneratorExpression, MethodDefinition, or ArrowFunction is contained in strict mode code or if the code that produces the value of the function’s [[ECMAScriptCode]] internal slot begins with a Directive Prologue that contains a Use Strict Directive. Function code that is supplied as the arguments to the built-in Function and Generator constructors is strict mode code if the last argument is a String that when processed is a FunctionBody that begins with a Directive Prologue that contains a Use Strict Directive.
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