在iOS 7中,UIStatusBar被设计成这样,它与视图合并:
(GUI由Tina tavvar设计)
It is cool, but it will somewhat mess up your view when you have something at the top part of your view, and it becomes overlapped with the status bar.
Is there a simple solution (such as setting a property in info.plist) that can change the way it works [not overlapping] back to how it is in iOS6?
I know a more straightforward solution is to have self.view.center.x + 20 points for every single view controller, but changing them will screw other dimensions up (having a different self.view.center.x can cause problem to custom segues, etc.) and suddenly it turns into a tedious job that is best to be avoided.
I'll really be glad if someone can provide me an one-liner solution for this.
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarHidden:YES withAnimation:UIStatusBarAnimationNone];
@interface RootView : UIView
@implementation RootView
if (self.superview && self.superview != self.window)
frame = self.superview.bounds;
frame.origin.y += 20.f;
frame.size.height -= 20.f;
frame = [UIScreen mainScreen].applicationFrame;
[super setFrame:frame];
- (void)layoutSubviews
self.frame = self.frame;
[super layoutSubviews];
本次更新是iOS 7导航栏问题的最佳解决方案。您可以设置导航栏颜色示例:FakeNavBar。backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor];
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
if(NSFoundationVersionNumber >= NSFoundationVersionNumber_iOS_7_0)
UIView *FakeNavBar = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 20)];
FakeNavBar.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
float navBarHeight = 20.0;
for (UIView *subView in self.window.subviews) {
if ([subView isKindOfClass:[UIScrollView class]]) {
subView.frame = CGRectMake(subView.frame.origin.x, subView.frame.origin.y + navBarHeight, subView.frame.size.width, subView.frame.size.height - navBarHeight);
} else {
subView.frame = CGRectMake(subView.frame.origin.x, subView.frame.origin.y + navBarHeight, subView.frame.size.width, subView.frame.size.height);
[self.window addSubview:FakeNavBar];
return YES;
这是旧版本的iOS 7导航栏解决方案。
if ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] floatValue] >= 7.0) {
UIView *addStatusBar = [[UIView alloc] init];
addStatusBar.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 20);
addStatusBar.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:0.973 green:0.973 blue:0.973 alpha:1]; //change this to match your navigation bar
[self.window.rootViewController.view addSubview:addStatusBar];
对于界面构建器,这是在iOS 6中打开的;它从0像素开始。
注意:iOS 6/7只有在详细信息窗格的“文件检查器”(最左边的图标)中取消视图控制器的“使用自动布局”时才会出现增量。
这是我写的一篇博客文章的交叉发布,但这里是关于iOS 7上的状态栏、导航栏和容器视图控制器的完整概述:
There is no way to preserve the iOS 6 style status bar layout. The status bar will always overlap your application on iOS 7
Do not confuse status bar appearance with status bar layout. The appearance (light or default) does not affect how the status bar is laid out (frame/height/overlap). It is important to note as well that the system status bar no longer has any background color. When the API refers to UIStatusBarStyleLightContent, they mean white text on a clear background. UIStatusBarStyleDefault is black text on a clear background.
Status bar appearance is controlled along one of two mutually-exclusive basis paths: you can either set them programmatically in the traditional manner, or UIKit will update the appearance for you based on some new properties of UIViewController. The latter option is on by default. Check your app’s plist value for “ViewController-Based Status Bar Appearance” to see which one you’re using. If you set this value to YES, every top-level view controller in your app (other than a standard UIKit container view controller) needs to override preferredStatusBarStyle, returning either the default or the light style. If you edit the plist value to NO, then you can manage the status bar appearance using the familiar UIApplication methods.
UINavigationController will alter the height of its UINavigationBar to either 44 points or 64 points, depending on a rather strange and undocumented set of constraints. If the UINavigationController detects that the top of its view’s frame is visually contiguous with its UIWindow’s top, then it draws its navigation bar with a height of 64 points. If its view’s top is not contiguous with the UIWindow’s top (even if off by only one point), then it draws its navigation bar in the “traditional” way with a height of 44 points. This logic is performed by UINavigationController even if it is several children down inside the view controller hierarchy of your application. There is no way to prevent this behavior.
If you supply a custom navigation bar background image that is only 44 points (88 pixels) tall, and the UINavigationController’s view’s bounds matches the UIWindow’s bounds (as discussed in #4), the UINavigationController will draw your image in the frame (0,20,320,44), leaving 20 points of opaque black space above your custom image. This may confuse you into thinking you are a clever developer who bypassed rule #1, but you are mistaken. The navigation bar is still 64 points tall. Embedding a UINavigationController in a slide-to-reveal style view hierarchy makes this abundantly clear.
Beware of the confusingly-named edgesForExtendedLayout property of UIViewController. Adjusting edgesForExtendedLayout does nothing in most cases. The only way UIKit uses this property is if you add a view controller to a UINavigationController, then the UINavigationController uses edgesForExtendedLayout to determine whether or not its child view controller should be visible underneath the navigation bar / status bar area. Setting edgesForExtendedLayout on the UINavigationController itself does nothing to alter whether or not the UINavigationController has a 44 or 64 point high navigation bar area. See #4 for that logic. Similar layout logic applies to the bottom of your view when using a toolbar or UITabBarController.
If all you are trying to do is prevent your custom child view controller from underlapping the navigation bar when inside a UINavigationController, then set edgesForExtendedLayout to UIRectEdgeNone (or at least a mask that excludes UIRectEdgeTop). Set this value as early as possible in the life cycle of your view controller.
UINavigationController and UITabBarController will also try to pad the contentInsets of table views and collection views in its subview hierarchy. It does this in a manner similar to the status bar logic from #4. There is a programmatic way of preventing this, by setting automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets to NO for your table views and collection views (it defaults to YES). This posed some serious problems for Whisper and Riposte, since we use contentInset adjustments to control the layout of table views in response to toolbar and keyboard movements.
To reiterate: there is no way to return to iOS 6 style status bar layout logic. In order to approximate this, you have to move all the view controllers of your app into a container view that is offset by 20 points from the top of the screen, leaving an intentionally black view behind the status bar to simulate the old appearance. This is the method we ended up using in Riposte and Whisper.
Apple is pushing very hard to ensure that you don’t try to do #9. They want us to redesign all our apps to underlap the status bar. There are many cogent arguments, however, for both user experience and technical reasons, why this is not always a good idea. You should do what is best for your users and not simply follow the whimsy of the platform.
2) Make sure the background is a self contained subview positioned as a top level child of the controller's view.
Move your background to become a direct child of the controller's view. Check the autosizing panel to be sure that you've locked all frame edges, activated both flexibility axes, and if this is a UIImageView, set the content mode to Scale to fill. Programmatically this translates to contentMode set to UIViewContentModeScaleToFill and has its auto resizing mask set to (UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight).
3)现在将所有被锁定的东西上下移动20点,并设置iOS 6/7 delta Y为-20。
在自动缩放面板中,所有被锁定在顶部框架上的顶级子图层都需要向下移动20点,并将其iOS 6/7 delta Y设置为-20。(Cmd选择所有这些,并按下箭头20次-有更好的方法吗?)
4) Adjust the iOS 6/7 delta height of all of the above items that had a flexible height.
Any of the items that were locked to the frame top and bottom and had flexible height enabled in the autosizing panel must also have their iOS 6/7 delta height set to 20. That includes the background view mentioned above. This may seem anti-intuitive, but due to the order in which these are applied, it is necessary. The frame height is set first (based on device), then the deltas are applied, and finally the autosizing masks are applied based upon the offset positions of all of the child frames - think it through for a bit, it will make sense.
另一方面,如果你想要iOS7样式同时保持iOS6兼容性,那么将背景视图的delta Y / delta height值设置为0。
我的解决方案是在iOS 7上,在窗口顶部添加一个高度为20点的UIView。
// ...
// Add a status bar background
self.statusBarBackground = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, self.window.bounds.size.width, 20.0f)];
self.statusBarBackground.backgroundColor = [UIColor blackColor];
self.statusBarBackground.alpha = 0.0;
self.statusBarBackground.userInteractionEnabled = NO;
self.statusBarBackground.layer.zPosition = 999; // Position its layer over all other views
[self.window addSubview:self.statusBarBackground];
// ...
return YES;
- (void) showSolidStatusBar:(BOOL) solidStatusBar
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.3f animations:^{
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarStyle:UIStatusBarStyleLightContent];
self.statusBarBackground.alpha = 1.0f;
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarStyle:UIStatusBarStyleDefault];
self.statusBarBackground.alpha = 0.0f;
我现在要做的就是在需要时调用[appDelegate showSolidStatusBar:YES]。