In every instance in all of my classes where I reference, the R is in red and it says "cannot resolve symbol R". Also every time there is R.layout.something it is underlined in red and says "cannot resolve method setContentView(?)". The project always builds fine. It is annoying to see this all the time. I have read many other questions on here about something similar but most involved importing projects from Eclipse. I am using what I believe to be the most recent version of Android Studio and the project was created with Android Studio and worked without any "cannot resolve R" problems. I would like to know what causes this if anyone knows.


这些在Ubuntu 12.04上都不适用。我必须做到以下几点:

sudo apt-get install lib32stdc++6
sudo apt-get install lib32z1

在那之后,我遵循了这个线程中的其他一些建议,做了Build ->清洁项目,一切都很好。






你们最近更新了SDK工具吗?启动android SDK管理器,确保你有最新的SDK工具,现在是独立于平台工具。当我第一次更新我的SDK管理器时,我也遇到了同样的问题,SDK构建工具包在安装/更新时没有出现,直到我关闭并重新打开SDK管理器。


compile ''

我的compilesdk版本是 编译esdkversion 21,所以android工作室不高兴。我简单地更新了我的compilesdkversion到23,并进行了同步。


compile ''

匹配我的支持库在工具—> Android—> SDK管理器—> SDK工具选项卡—> Android支持库—>版本。 现在一切都好了。快乐编码:)

我在androidmanifest中有android:textAllCaps = "false",这对R文件造成了严重破坏。我删除了,一切正常。我认为目标sdk设置得不够高。

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