In every instance in all of my classes where I reference, the R is in red and it says "cannot resolve symbol R". Also every time there is R.layout.something it is underlined in red and says "cannot resolve method setContentView(?)". The project always builds fine. It is annoying to see this all the time. I have read many other questions on here about something similar but most involved importing projects from Eclipse. I am using what I believe to be the most recent version of Android Studio and the project was created with Android Studio and worked without any "cannot resolve R" problems. I would like to know what causes this if anyone knows.




Click once on what is Red (or underlined) in your code (i.e. Activity, String). Click on the Red Light Bulb Point that appears on the left. Select "Setup JDK". Verify if annotations.jar and android.jar are in the current SDK version you are using (my case SDK 20 Android-L). You should also have the "res" folder, but I somehow still had it in the settings. If not, select the SDK and press "-". Then press "+" and locate the SDK folder on your computer (Mac: Applications > Android > sdk). Select the version of the SDK you require (in my case 20 Android-L). Press Add. Build and Sync.



Build ->清理项目或重建项目 或 File -> Invalidate cache / Restart…->失效并重启


下面是我解决这个问题的方法: 我发现当我创建新的ui模块时,在/res/values中,它创建了一个新的strings.xml,其中没有任何有用的东西。 我删除了strings.xml文件,重新构建项目,它工作了。


     The above answers are also the ways to fix the error but if does not work for anyone  then i have an option...

只需要关闭项目,然后重新启动它,这样它就会加载引用… 跟着截图走。



package com.domainname.project;
