我有一个Base64编码的图像。Java中最好的解码方法是什么?希望只使用Sun Java 6中包含的库。
public class MyBase64 {
private final static char[] ALPHABET = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/".toCharArray();
private static int[] toInt = new int[128];
static {
for(int i=0; i< ALPHABET.length; i++){
toInt[ALPHABET[i]]= i;
* Translates the specified byte array into Base64 string.
* @param buf the byte array (not null)
* @return the translated Base64 string (not null)
public static String encode(byte[] buf){
int size = buf.length;
char[] ar = new char[((size + 2) / 3) * 4];
int a = 0;
int i=0;
while(i < size){
byte b0 = buf[i++];
byte b1 = (i < size) ? buf[i++] : 0;
byte b2 = (i < size) ? buf[i++] : 0;
int mask = 0x3F;
ar[a++] = ALPHABET[(b0 >> 2) & mask];
ar[a++] = ALPHABET[((b0 << 4) | ((b1 & 0xFF) >> 4)) & mask];
ar[a++] = ALPHABET[((b1 << 2) | ((b2 & 0xFF) >> 6)) & mask];
ar[a++] = ALPHABET[b2 & mask];
switch(size % 3){
case 1: ar[--a] = '=';
case 2: ar[--a] = '=';
return new String(ar);
* Translates the specified Base64 string into a byte array.
* @param s the Base64 string (not null)
* @return the byte array (not null)
public static byte[] decode(String s){
int delta = s.endsWith( "==" ) ? 2 : s.endsWith( "=" ) ? 1 : 0;
byte[] buffer = new byte[s.length()*3/4 - delta];
int mask = 0xFF;
int index = 0;
for(int i=0; i< s.length(); i+=4){
int c0 = toInt[s.charAt( i )];
int c1 = toInt[s.charAt( i + 1)];
buffer[index++]= (byte)(((c0 << 2) | (c1 >> 4)) & mask);
if(index >= buffer.length){
return buffer;
int c2 = toInt[s.charAt( i + 2)];
buffer[index++]= (byte)(((c1 << 4) | (c2 >> 2)) & mask);
if(index >= buffer.length){
return buffer;
int c3 = toInt[s.charAt( i + 3 )];
buffer[index++]= (byte)(((c2 << 6) | c3) & mask);
return buffer;
使用java8 -
public static String encodeString(String plainString) {
return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(plainString.getBytes());
public static String decodeString(String encodedString) {
byte[] bytes = Base64.getDecoder().decode(encodedString);
return new String(bytes);
另一个迟来的答案,但我的基准测试表明,Jetty的Base64编码器的实现非常快。不如MiGBase64快,但比iHarder Base64快。
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.B64Code;
final String decoded = B64Code.decode(encoded, "UTF-8");
library | encode | decode
'MiGBase64' | 10146001.00 | 6426446.00
'Jetty B64Code' | 8846191.00 | 3101361.75
'iHarder Base64' | 3259590.50 | 2505280.00
'Commons-Codec' | 241318.04 | 255179.96
public class Base64Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String encodeToString = Base64.encodeToString("JavaTips.net".getBytes(), true);
System.out.println("encodeToString " + encodeToString);
byte[] decodedBytes = Base64.decode(encodeToString.getBytes());
System.out.println("decodedBytes " + new String(decodedBytes));
import sun.misc.BASE64Decoder;
BASE64Decoder decoder = new BASE64Decoder();
byte[] decodedBytes = decoder.decodeBuffer(encodedBytes);
编辑:谁能想到这将是我发表过的最具争议的答案呢?我知道太阳。*不支持或保证软件包继续存在,我确实了解Commons并一直在使用它。然而,发帖者要求一个“包含在Sun Java 6中”的类,这就是我试图回答的问题。总的来说,我同意Commons是最好的方式。
编辑2:正如amir75在下面指出的那样,Java 6+附带了JAXB,其中包含支持的编码/解码Base64的代码。请看下面Jeremy Ross的回答。
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