
SELECT id FROM groups where name='administrator'

SELECT id FROM groups where name='ADMINISTRATOR'

SELECT id FROM groups where name='Administrator'


select id from groups where name in ('administrator', 'ADMINISTRATOR', 'Administrator')



SELECT id FROM groups WHERE name ~* 'adm'

返回name包含OR = 'adm'的行。


select id from groups where name in ('administrator', 'ADMINISTRATOR', 'Administrator')


它适用于英语,但并非适用于所有语言。(也许根本就不在 大多数语言)。不是每个小写字母都有对应的 大写字母;不是每个大写字母都有对应的 小写字母。 使用lower()和upper()这样的函数将为您提供一个顺序 扫描。它不能使用索引。在我的测试系统中,使用lower() 大约比可以使用索引的查询长2000倍。(测试数据有10万多行。)


Use the citext module, which mostly mimics the behavior of a case-insensitive data type. Having loaded that module, you can create a case-insensitive index by CREATE INDEX ON groups (name::citext);. (But see below.) Use a case-insensitive collation. This is set when you initialize a database. Using a case-insensitive collation means you can accept just about any format from client code, and you'll still return useful results. (It also means you can't do case-sensitive queries. Duh.) Create a functional index. Create a lowercase index by using CREATE INDEX ON groups (LOWER(name));. Having done that, you can take advantage of the index with queries like SELECT id FROM groups WHERE LOWER(name) = LOWER('ADMINISTRATOR');, or SELECT id FROM groups WHERE LOWER(name) = 'administrator'; You have to remember to use LOWER(), though.


-- Install 'Case Ignore Test Extension'
create extension citext;

-- Make a request
select 'Thomas'::citext in ('thomas', 'tiago');

select name from users where name::citext in ('thomas', 'tiago');