你能在Linux上运行Xcode吗?Mac OS X是基于BSD Unix的,所以有可能吗?



如果你运行VMware Player或Workstation(或者VirtualBox,我不确定它是否支持Mac OS X,但可能),然后是Mac OS X Server(客户端不能合法虚拟化)。当然,在这种情况下,你是在OS X上运行XCode,但你的主机可能是linux。


如果您计划在Linux上使用Mac虚拟机,请检查Docker-OSX。它提供了一种使用Docker预构建的Mac vm的简单方法。


I really wanted to comment, not answer. But just to be precise, OSX is not based on BSD, it is an evolution of NeXTStep. The NeXTStep OS utilizes the Mach kernel developed by CMU. It was originally designed as a MicroKernel, but due to performance constraints, they eventually decided they needed to include the Unix portion of the API into the kernel itself and so a BSD-compatible "server" (originally intended to process requests for BSD-compatible kernel messages) was moved into the kernel, making it a Monolithic kernel. It may be BSD compatible in the programming API, but it is NOT BSD.

操作系统的其余部分涉及到objecvec(在Stepstone和GNU/GCC的Richard Stallman的安排下)和基于“显示后脚本”技术的GUI…有点像X服务器,但是带有后记命令。OS X将显示Postscript更改为显示PDF,并将一般硬件要求提高了1000倍(NeXT可以运行8-16MB,现在需要GB)。

Due to the close marriage of GCC and Objective C and NeXT, your best bet at running XCode natively under Linux would be to do a port (if you can get ahold of the source - good luck) utilizing the GNUStep libraries. Originally designed for NextStep and then OpenStep compatibility, I've heard they are now more-or-less Cocoa compatible, but I've not played with any of it in almost 2 decades. Of course that only gets you as far as ObjC, not Swift, and I don't know if Apple is going to OpenSource it.

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