class Student
protected $id;
protected $name;
// etc.
public function __construct($id){
$this->id = $id;
// other members are still uninitialized
public function __construct($row_from_database){
$this->id = $row_from_database->id;
$this->name = $row_from_database->name;
// etc.
class myClass
var $error ;
function __construct ( $data, $mode )
$this->error = false
switch ( $mode )
'id' : processId ( $data ) ; break ;
'row' : processRow ( $data ); break ;
default : $this->error = true ; break ;
function processId ( $data ) { /* code */ }
function processRow ( $data ) { /* code */ }
$a = new myClass ( $data, 'id' ) ;
$b = new myClass ( $data, 'row' ) ;
$c = new myClass ( $data, 'something' ) ;
if ( $a->error )
exit ( 'invalid mode' ) ;
if ( $b->error )
exit ('invalid mode' ) ;
if ( $c->error )
exit ('invalid mode' ) ;
Also with that method at any time if you wanted to add more functionality you can just add another case to the switch statement, and you can also check to make sure someone has sent the right thing through - in the above example all the data is ok except for C as that is set to "something" and so the error flag in the class is set and control is returned back to the main program for it to decide what to do next (in the example I just told it to exit with an error message "invalid mode" - but alternatively you could loop it back round until valid data is found).
public function __construct() {
$this -> id = 0;
public static function Exists($id) {
if (!$id) return false;
$id = (int)$id;
if ($id <= 0) return false;
$mysqli = Mysql::Connect();
if (mysqli_num_rows(mysqli_query($mysqli, "SELECT id FROM users WHERE id = " . $id)) == 1) return true;
return false;
public static function FromId($id) {
$u = new self();
if (!$u -> FillFromColumn("id", $id)) return false;
return $u;
public static function FromColumn($column, $value) {
$u = new self();
if (!$u -> FillFromColumn($column, $value)) return false;
return $u;
public static function FromArray($row = array()) {
if (!is_array($row) || $row == array()) return false;
$u = new self();
$u -> FillFromArray($row);
return $u;
protected function FillFromColumn($column, $value) {
$mysqli = Mysql::Connect();
//Assuming we're only allowed to specified EXISTENT columns
$result = mysqli_query($mysqli, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE " . $column . " = '" . $value . "'");
$count = mysqli_num_rows($result);
if ($count == 0) return false;
$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
$this -> FillFromArray($row);
protected function FillFromArray(array $row) {
foreach($row as $i => $v) {
if (isset($this -> $i)) {
$this -> $i = $v;
public function ToArray() {
$m = array();
foreach ($this as $i => $v) {
$m[$i] = $v;
return $m;
public function Dump() {
print_r($this -> ToArray());
trait constructable
public function __construct()
$a = func_get_args();
$i = func_num_args();
if (method_exists($this,$f='__construct'.$i)) {
class a{
use constructable;
public $result;
public function __construct1($a){
$this->result = $a;
public function __construct2($a, $b){
$this->result = $a + $b;
echo (new a(1))->result; // 1
echo (new a(1,2))->result; // 3
class myClass {
public function __construct() {
$get_arguments = func_get_args();
$number_of_arguments = func_num_args();
if (method_exists($this, $method_name = '__construct'.$number_of_arguments)) {
call_user_func_array(array($this, $method_name), $get_arguments);
public function __construct1($argument1) {
echo 'constructor with 1 parameter ' . $argument1 . "\n";
public function __construct2($argument1, $argument2) {
echo 'constructor with 2 parameter ' . $argument1 . ' ' . $argument2 . "\n";
public function __construct3($argument1, $argument2, $argument3) {
echo 'constructor with 3 parameter ' . $argument1 . ' ' . $argument2 . ' ' . $argument3 . "\n";
$object1 = new myClass('BUET');
$object2 = new myClass('BUET', 'is');
$object3 = new myClass('BUET', 'is', 'Best.');