$aVal = array();
$aVal[key1][var1] = "something";
$aVal[key1][var2] = "something else";
(object)$oVal = "";
$oVal->key1->var1 = "something";
$oVal->key1->var2 = "something else";
$aVal = array();
$aVal[key1][var1] = "something";
$aVal[key1][var2] = "something else";
(object)$oVal = "";
$oVal->key1->var1 = "something";
$oVal->key1->var2 = "something else";
$myObj = new stdClass();
// OR
$myObj = (object) [
"foo" => "Foo value",
"bar" => "Bar value"
var myObj = {
foo: "Foo value",
bar: "Bar value"
console.log(myObj.foo); //Output: Foo value
//PHP >= 5.4
$myObj = (object) [
"foo" => "Foo value",
"bar" => "Bar value"
//PHP < 5.4
$myObj = (object) array(
"foo" => "Foo value",
"bar" => "Bar value"
echo $myObj->foo; //Output: Foo value
var myObj = {
foo: "Foo value",
bar: function(greeting) {
return greeting + " bar";
console.log(myObj.bar("Hello")); //Output: Hello bar
//PHP >= 5.4
$myObj = (object) [
"foo" => "Foo value",
"bar" => function($greeting) {
return $greeting . " bar";
var_dump($myObj->bar("Hello")); //Throw 'undefined function' error
var_dump($myObj->bar); //Output: "object(Closure)"
$barFunc = $myObj->bar;
echo $barFunc("Hello"); //Output: Hello bar
As others have pointed out, you can use stdClass. However based on the question, it seems like what you really want is to be able to add properties to an object on the fly. You don't need to use stdClass for that, although you can. Really you can use any class. Just create an object instance of any class and start setting properties. I like to create my own class whose name is simply o with some basic extended functionality that I like to use in these cases and is nice for extending from other classes. Basically it is my own base object class. I also like to have a function simply named o(). Like so:
class o {
// some custom shared magic, constructor, properties, or methods here
function o() {
return new o();
If you don't like to have your own base object type, you can simply have o() return a new stdClass. One advantage is that o is easier to remember than stdClass and is shorter, regardless of if you use it as a class name, function name, or both. Even if you don't have any code inside your o class, it is still easier to memorize than the awkwardly capitalized and named stdClass (which may invoke the idea of a 'sexually transmitted disease class'). If you do customize the o class, you might find a use for the o() function instead of the constructor syntax. It is a normal function that returns a value, which is less limited than a constructor. For example, a function name can be passed as a string to a function that accepts a callable parameter. A function also supports chaining. So you can do something like: $result= o($internal_value)->some_operation_or_conversion_on_this_value();
EDIT/UPDATE: I no longer recommend any of this. It makes it hard for static analysis tools and IDEs and custom AST based tools to understand, validate, help you lookup or write your code. Generally magic is bad except in some cases if you are able to get your tools to understand the magic and if it you do it in a standard enough way that even standard community tools will understand it or if your tools are so advanced and full featured that you only use your own tools. Also, I think they are deprecating the ability to add properties to random objects in an upcoming version of PHP, I think it will only work with certain ones, but I don't recommend using that feature anyways.
以类似的方式访问stdClass中的数据 对于关联数组,只需使用{$var}语法。
$myObj = new stdClass;
$myObj->Prop1 = "Something";
$myObj->Prop2 = "Something else";
// then to acces it directly
echo $myObj->{'Prop1'};
echo $myObj->{'Prop2'};
// or what you may want
echo $myObj->{$myStringVar};
$blankObject= json_decode('{}');
$obj = json_decode("{}");
object(stdClass)#1 (0) { }
$myObj = new stdClass();
$myObj->key_1 = 'Hello';
$myObj->key_2 = 'Dolly';
PHP > = 5.4
$myObj = (object) [
'key_1' => 'Hello',
'key_3' => 'Dolly',
PHP < 5.4
$myObj = (object) array(
'key_1' => 'Hello',
'key_3' => 'Dolly',