



Literal syntax We use parenthesis () to construct tuples and square brackets [ ] to get a new list. Also, we can use call of the appropriate type to get required structure — tuple or list. someTuple = (4,6) someList = [2,6] Mutability Tuples are immutable, while lists are mutable. This point is the base the for the following ones. Memory usage Due to mutability, you need more memory for lists and less memory for tuples. Extending You can add a new element to both tuples and lists with the only difference that the id of the tuple will be changed (i.e., we’ll have a new object). Hashing Tuples are hashable and lists are not. It means that you can use a tuple as a key in a dictionary. The list can't be used as a key in a dictionary, whereas a tuple can be used tup = (1,2) list_ = [1,2] c = {tup : 1} # ok c = {list_ : 1} # error Semantics This point is more about best practice. You should use tuples as heterogeneous data structures, while lists are homogenous sequences.



my_list = [0,1,2,3,4]
top_rock_list = ["Bohemian Rhapsody","Kashmir","Sweet Emotion", "Fortunate Son"]


my_tuple = (a,b,c,d,e)
celebrity_tuple = ("John", "Wayne", 90210, "Actor", "Male", "Dead")

Python lists and tuples are similar in that they both are ordered collections of values. Besides the shallow difference that lists are created using brackets "[ ... , ... ]" and tuples using parentheses "( ... , ... )", the core technical "hard coded in Python syntax" difference between them is that the elements of a particular tuple are immutable whereas lists are mutable (...so only tuples are hashable and can be used as dictionary/hash keys!). This gives rise to differences in how they can or can't be used (enforced a priori by syntax) and differences in how people choose to use them (encouraged as 'best practices,' a posteriori, this is what smart programers do). The main difference a posteriori in differentiating when tuples are used versus when lists are used lies in what meaning people give to the order of elements.






Duplicates - Both tuples and lists allow for duplicates Indexing, Selecting, & Slicing - Both tuples and lists index using integer values found within brackets. So, if you want the first 3 values of a given list or tuple, the syntax would be the same: >>> my_list[0:3] [0,1,2] >>> my_tuple[0:3] [a,b,c] Comparing & Sorting - Two tuples or two lists are both compared by their first element, and if there is a tie, then by the second element, and so on. No further attention is paid to subsequent elements after earlier elements show a difference. >>> [0,2,0,0,0,0]>[0,0,0,0,0,500] True >>> (0,2,0,0,0,0)>(0,0,0,0,0,500) True


Syntax - Lists use [], tuples use () Mutability - Elements in a given list are mutable, elements in a given tuple are NOT mutable. # Lists are mutable: >>> top_rock_list ['Bohemian Rhapsody', 'Kashmir', 'Sweet Emotion', 'Fortunate Son'] >>> top_rock_list[1] 'Kashmir' >>> top_rock_list[1] = "Stairway to Heaven" >>> top_rock_list ['Bohemian Rhapsody', 'Stairway to Heaven', 'Sweet Emotion', 'Fortunate Son'] # Tuples are NOT mutable: >>> celebrity_tuple ('John', 'Wayne', 90210, 'Actor', 'Male', 'Dead') >>> celebrity_tuple[5] 'Dead' >>> celebrity_tuple[5]="Alive" Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment Hashtables (Dictionaries) - As hashtables (dictionaries) require that its keys are hashable and therefore immutable, only tuples can act as dictionary keys, not lists. #Lists CAN'T act as keys for hashtables(dictionaries) >>> my_dict = {[a,b,c]:"some value"} Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> TypeError: unhashable type: 'list' #Tuples CAN act as keys for hashtables(dictionaries) >>> my_dict = {("John","Wayne"): 90210} >>> my_dict {('John', 'Wayne'): 90210}


Homo vs. Heterogeneity of Elements - Generally list objects are homogenous and tuple objects are heterogeneous. That is, lists are used for objects/subjects of the same type (like all presidential candidates, or all songs, or all runners) whereas although it's not forced by), whereas tuples are more for heterogenous objects. Looping vs. Structures - Although both allow for looping (for x in my_list...), it only really makes sense to do it for a list. Tuples are more appropriate for structuring and presenting information (%s %s residing in %s is an %s and presently %s % ("John","Wayne",90210, "Actor","Dead"))

列表是可变的,元组是不可变的。 考虑一下这个例子。

a = ["1", "2", "ra", "sa"]    #list
b = ("1", "2", "ra", "sa")    #tuple


a[2] = 1000
print a     #output : ['1', '2', 1000, 'sa']
b[2] = 1000
print b     #output : TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment.







由于动态特性,list分配的位桶比实际需要的内存要多。这样做是为了防止在将来附加额外项时进行昂贵的重新分配操作。 另一方面,由于是静态的,轻量级元组对象不需要保留存储它们所需的额外内存。