对于我正在从事的一个新的node.js项目,我正在考虑从基于cookie的会话方法(我的意思是,将id存储到用户浏览器中包含用户会话的键值存储中)切换到使用JSON Web Tokens (jwt)的基于令牌的会话方法(没有键值存储)。






app.get('/login', function(request, response) {
    var user = {username: request.body.username, password: request.body.password };
    // Validate somehow
    validate(user, function(isValid, profile) {
        // Create session token
        var token= createSessionToken();

        // Add to a key-value database
        KeyValueStore.add({token: {userid: profile.id, expiresInMinutes: 60}});

        // The client should save this session token in a cookie
        response.json({sessionToken: token});


var jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
app.get('/login', function(request, response) {
    var user = {username: request.body.username, password: request.body.password };
    // Validate somehow
    validate(user, function(isValid, profile) {
        var token = jwt.sign(profile, 'My Super Secret', {expiresInMinutes: 60});
        response.json({token: token});


会话存储方法的注销(或失效)需要更新KeyValueStore 使用指定的令牌创建数据库。





For compromised login credentials, when a new login happens, normally send the user an email notification. So, if the customer doesn't consent to being the one who logged in, they should be advised to do a reset of credentials, which should save to database/cache the date-time the password was last set (and set this too when user sets password during initial registration). Whenever a user action is being authorized, the date-time a user changed their password should be fetched from database/cache and compared to the date-time a given JWT was generated, and forbid the action for JWTs that were generated before the said date-time of credentials reset, hence essentially rendering such JWTs useless. That means save the date-time of generation of a JWT as a claim in the JWT itself. In ASP.NET Core, a policy/requirement can be used to do do this comparison, and on failure, the client is forbidden. This consequently logs out the user on the backend, globally, whenever a reset of credentials is done.

For actual theft of JWT... A theft of JWT is not easy to detect but a JWT that expires easily solves this. But what can be done to stop the attacker before the JWT expires? It is with an actual global logout. It is similar to what was described above for credentials reset. For this, normally save on database/cache the date-time a user initiated a global logout, and on authorizing a user action, get it and compare it to the date-time of generation of a given JWT too, and forbid the action for JWTs that were generated before the said date-time of global logout, hence essentially rendering such JWTs useless. This can be done using a policy/requirement in ASP.NET Core, as previously described.



代币的有效期为1天 每天建立一个黑名单。 将无效/注销令牌放入黑名单





For compromised login credentials, when a new login happens, normally send the user an email notification. So, if the customer doesn't consent to being the one who logged in, they should be advised to do a reset of credentials, which should save to database/cache the date-time the password was last set (and set this too when user sets password during initial registration). Whenever a user action is being authorized, the date-time a user changed their password should be fetched from database/cache and compared to the date-time a given JWT was generated, and forbid the action for JWTs that were generated before the said date-time of credentials reset, hence essentially rendering such JWTs useless. That means save the date-time of generation of a JWT as a claim in the JWT itself. In ASP.NET Core, a policy/requirement can be used to do do this comparison, and on failure, the client is forbidden. This consequently logs out the user on the backend, globally, whenever a reset of credentials is done.

For actual theft of JWT... A theft of JWT is not easy to detect but a JWT that expires easily solves this. But what can be done to stop the attacker before the JWT expires? It is with an actual global logout. It is similar to what was described above for credentials reset. For this, normally save on database/cache the date-time a user initiated a global logout, and on authorizing a user action, get it and compare it to the date-time of generation of a given JWT too, and forbid the action for JWTs that were generated before the said date-time of global logout, hence essentially rendering such JWTs useless. This can be done using a policy/requirement in ASP.NET Core, as previously described.


---------------- 这个答案一点迟到但可能会帮助别人 ----------------



JWT包的问题是它没有提供任何方法或方法来销毁令牌。 您可以使用上面提到的关于JWT的不同方法。但是这里我用的是jwt-redis。

所以为了在服务器端销毁令牌,你可以使用JWT -redis包而不是JWT



从npm安装jwt-redis 创建:

Var redis = require('redis'); var JWTR = require('jwt-redis').default; var redisClient = redis.createClient(); var jwtr = new jwtr (redisClient); Const secret = 'secret'; const tokenIdentifier = 'test'; const payload = {jti: tokenIdentifier};//你也可以在payload中放入其他数据 jwtr。号(载荷、秘密) 不要犹豫((令牌)= > { //你的代码 }) .catch((错误)= > { //错误处理 });




//如果jti在token的签名过程中传递,那么tokenIdentifier else token jwtr.destroy(tokenIdentifier或token)









User attempts a successful login: A. Add an "issue time" field to the token, and keep the expiry time as needed. B. Store the hash of user's password's hash or create a new field say tokenhash in the user's table. Store the tokenhash in the generated token. User accesses a url: A. If the "issue time" is in the "immediate" range, process the token normally. Don't change the "issue time". Depending upon the duration of "immediate" this is the duration one is vulnerable in. But a short duration like a minute or two shouldn't be too risky. (This is a balance between performance and security). Three is no need to hit the db here. B. If the token is not in the "immediate" range, check the tokenhash against the db. If its okay, update the "issue time" field. If not okay then don't process the request (Security is finally enforced). User changes the tokenhash to secure the account. In the "immediate" future the account is secured.

我们将数据库查询保存在“immediate”范围内。 如果在“即时”持续时间内有来自客户端的大量请求,那么这是最有益的。