





假设表的大小(或模数)是T = (B*C)。如果你输入的散列是(N*A*B) N可以是任何整数,那么你的输出就不会很好地分布。因为每次n变成C、2C、3C等,你的输出就会开始重复。也就是说,你的输出只会分布在C位。注意这里的C是(T / HCF(表大小,哈希))。


另一个有趣的现象是当T = 2^N时。这些将给出与所有输入哈希的低N位完全相同的输出。由于每个数都可以表示为2的幂,当我们对任意数取T的模时,我们将减去所有2的幂形式的数,即>= N,因此总能得到特定模式的数,取决于输入。这也是一个糟糕的选择。





Index [hash(input)%2]将导致所有可能哈希值的一半和一段值发生冲突。Index [hash(input)%prime]导致所有可能哈希值中的<2的碰撞。将除数固定为表的大小还可以确保数字不能大于表。





我想为Steve Jessop的回答补充一些东西(我不能评论,因为我没有足够的声誉)。但我找到了一些有用的材料。他的回答很有帮助,但他犯了一个错误:桶的大小不应该是2的幂。我引用Thomas Cormen, Charles Leisersen等人写的《算法导论》263页

When using the division method, we usually avoid certain values of m. For example, m should not be a power of 2, since if m = 2^p, then h(k) is just the p lowest-order bits of k. Unless we know that all low-order p-bit patterns are equally likely, we are better off designing the hash function to depend on all the bits of the key. As Exercise 11.3-3 asks you to show, choosing m = 2^p-1 when k is a character string interpreted in radix 2^p may be a poor choice, because permuting the characters of k does not change its hash value.



(first char) + k * (second char) + k^2 * (third char) + ...






It turns out that "because of the nature of maths", if the constant used in the hash, and the number of buckets, are coprime, then collisions are minimised in some common cases. If they are not coprime, then there are some fairly simple relationships between inputs for which collisions are not minimised. All the hashes come out equal modulo the common factor, which means they'll all fall into the 1/n th of the buckets which have that value modulo the common factor. You get n times as many collisions, where n is the common factor. Since n is at least 2, I'd say it's unacceptable for a fairly simple use case to generate at least twice as many collisions as normal. If some user is going to break our distribution into buckets, we want it to be a freak accident, not some simple predictable usage.


But if the hash function and the hashtable are written independently, then the hashtable doesn't know how the hash function works. It might be using a constant with small factors. If you're lucky it might work completely differently and be nonlinear. If the hash is good enough, then any bucket count is just fine. But a paranoid hashtable can't assume a good hash function, so should use a prime number of buckets. Similarly a paranoid hash function should use a largeish prime constant, to reduce the chance that someone uses a number of buckets which happens to have a common factor with the constant.



[Edit: there's another, more specialized reason to use a prime number of buckets, which is if you handle collisions with linear probing. Then you calculate a stride from the hashcode, and if that stride comes out to be a factor of the bucket count then you can only do (bucket_count / stride) probes before you're back where you started. The case you most want to avoid is stride = 0, of course, which must be special-cased, but to avoid also special-casing bucket_count / stride equal to a small integer, you can just make the bucket_count prime and not care what the stride is provided it isn't 0.]

Primes are unique numbers. They are unique in that, the product of a prime with any other number has the best chance of being unique (not as unique as the prime itself of-course) due to the fact that a prime is used to compose it. This property is used in hashing functions. Given a string “Samuel”, you can generate a unique hash by multiply each of the constituent digits or letters with a prime number and adding them up. This is why primes are used. However using primes is an old technique. The key here to understand that as long as you can generate a sufficiently unique key you can move to other hashing techniques too. Go here for more on this topic about http://www.azillionmonkeys.com/qed/hash.html
