我可以从Visual Studio Code中执行各种Git命令,但是我找不到一种方法来可视化历史。
在Visual Studio Code 1.44或更高版本中,你不需要一个插件来查看提交历史。
Timeline view This is a unified view for visualizing time-series events (for example, Git commits, file saves, test runs, etc.) for a file. The Timeline view automatically updates showing the timeline for the currently active editor, by default. You can control this default behavior by toggling the eye icon in the view toolbar. Also, similar to other views, the Timeline view supports find or filter as you type. The Timeline view is collapsed by default at the bottom of the File Explorer. Selecting the Timeline sash will expand the Timeline view. [...] Here is the Timeline view in action:
在Visual Studio Code 1.44或更高版本中,你不需要一个插件来查看提交历史。
Timeline view This is a unified view for visualizing time-series events (for example, Git commits, file saves, test runs, etc.) for a file. The Timeline view automatically updates showing the timeline for the currently active editor, by default. You can control this default behavior by toggling the eye icon in the view toolbar. Also, similar to other views, the Timeline view supports find or filter as you type. The Timeline view is collapsed by default at the bottom of the File Explorer. Selecting the Timeline sash will expand the Timeline view. [...] Here is the Timeline view in action:
在Visual Studio Code中,使用Gitlens扩展还有另一种方便的方法来浏览文件的提交历史。
Git Graph似乎是一个不错的扩展。安装完成后,您可以从底部状态栏打开图形视图。
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