我需要的是能够改变'行' url参数值我指定的东西,让我们说10。如果“行”不存在,我需要将它添加到url的末尾,并添加我已经指定的值(10)。
我需要的是能够改变'行' url参数值我指定的东西,让我们说10。如果“行”不存在,我需要将它添加到url的末尾,并添加我已经指定的值(10)。
function updateURLParameter(url, param, paramVal, remove = false) {
var newAdditionalURL = '';
var tempArray = url.split('?');
var baseURL = tempArray[0];
var additionalURL = tempArray[1];
var rows_txt = '';
if (additionalURL)
newAdditionalURL = decodeURI(additionalURL) + '&';
if (remove)
newAdditionalURL = newAdditionalURL.replace(param + '=' + paramVal, '');
rows_txt = param + '=' + paramVal;
window.history.replaceState('', '', (baseURL + "?" + newAdditionalURL + rows_txt).replace('?&', '?').replace('&&', '&').replace(/\&$/, ''));
使用javascript URL:
var url = new URL(window.location);
(url.searchParams.has('rows') ? url.searchParams.set('rows', rows) : url.searchParams.append('rows', rows));
window.location = url;
const qs = require('query-string')
function addQuery(key, value) {
const q = qs.parse(location.search)
const url = qs.stringifyUrl(
url: location.pathname,
query: {
[key]: value,
{ skipEmptyString: true }
window.location.href = url
// if you are using Turbolinks
// add this: Turbolinks.visit(url)
// Usage
addQuery('page', 2)
export function useAddQuery() {
const location = window.location;
const addQuery = useCallback(
(key, value) => {
const q = qs.parse(location.search);
const url = qs.stringifyUrl(
url: location.pathname,
query: {
[key]: value,
{ skipEmptyString: true }
window.location.href = url
return { addQuery };
// Usage
const { addQuery } = useAddQuery()
addQuery('page', 2)
export function useAddQuery() {
const location = useLocation();
const history = useHistory();
const addQuery = useCallback(
(key, value) => {
let pathname = location.pathname;
let searchParams = new URLSearchParams(location.search);
searchParams.set(key, value);
pathname: pathname,
search: searchParams.toString()
[location, history]
return { addQuery };
// Usage
const { addQuery } = useAddQuery()
addQuery('page', 2)
PS: qs是从query-string模块导入的。
const search = new URLSearchParams(location.search);
search.set('rows', 10);
location.search = search.toString();
// usage: clear ; cd src/js/node/js-unit-tests/01-set-url-param ; npm test ; cd -
// prereqs: , nodejs , mocha
// URI = scheme:[//authority]path[?paramName1=paramValue1¶mName2=paramValue2][#fragment]
// call by: uri = uri.setUriParam("as","md")
String.prototype.setUriParam = function (paramName, paramValue) {
var uri = this
var fragment = ( uri.indexOf('#') === -1 ) ? '' : uri.split('#')[1]
uri = ( uri.indexOf('#') === -1 ) ? uri : uri.split('#')[0]
if ( uri.indexOf("?") === -1 ) { uri = uri + '?&' }
uri = uri.replace ( '?' + paramName , '?&' + paramName)
var toRepl = (paramValue != null) ? ('$1' + paramValue) : ''
var toSrch = new RegExp('([&]' + paramName + '=)(([^&#]*)?)')
uri = uri.replace(toSrch,toRepl)
if (uri.indexOf(paramName + '=') === -1 && toRepl != '' ) {
var ampersandMayBe = uri.endsWith('&') ? '' : '&'
uri = uri + ampersandMayBe + paramName + "=" + String(paramValue)
uri = ( fragment.length == 0 ) ? uri : (uri+"#"+fragment) //may-be re-add the fragment
return uri
var assert = require('assert');
describe('replacing url param value', function () {
// scheme://authority/path[?p1=v1&p2=v2#fragment
// a clean url
it('http://org.com/path -> http://org.com/path?&prm=tgt_v', function (){
var uri = 'http://site.eu:80/qto/view/devops_guide_doc'
var uriExpected = 'http://site.eu:80/qto/view/devops_guide_doc?&bid=10'
var uriActual = uri.setUriParam("bid",10)
assert.equal(uriActual, uriExpected);
// has the url param existing after the ? with num value
it('http://org.com/path?prm=src_v -> http://org.com/path?&prm=tgt_v', function (){
var uri = 'http://site.eu:80/qto/view/devops_guide_doc?bid=57'
var uriExpected = 'http://site.eu:80/qto/view/devops_guide_doc?&bid=10'
var uriActual = uri.setUriParam("bid",10)
assert.equal(uriActual, uriExpected);
// has the url param existing after the ? but string value
it('http://org.com/path?prm=src_v -> http://org.com/path?&prm=tgt_v', function (){
var uri = 'http://site.eu:80/qto/view/devops_guide_doc?bid=boo-bar'
var uriExpected = 'http://site.eu:80/qto/view/devops_guide_doc?&bid=boo-bar-baz'
var uriActual = uri.setUriParam("bid","boo-bar-baz")
assert.equal(uriActual, uriExpected);
// has the url param existing after the ?& but string value
it('http://org.com/path?&prm=src_v -> http://org.com/path?&prm=tgt_v', function (){
var uri = 'http://site.eu:80/qto/view/devops_guide_doc?&bid=5'
var uriExpected = 'http://site.eu:80/qto/view/devops_guide_doc?&bid=10'
var uriActual = uri.setUriParam("bid",10)
assert.equal(uriActual, uriExpected);
// has the url param existing after the ? with other param
it('http://org.com/path?prm=src_v&other_p=other_v -> http://org.com/path?&prm=tgt_v&other_p=other_v', function (){
var uri = 'http://site.eu:80/qto/view/devops_guide_doc?bid=5&other_p=other_v'
var uriExpected = 'http://site.eu:80/qto/view/devops_guide_doc?&bid=10&other_p=other_v'
var uriActual = uri.setUriParam("bid",10)
assert.equal(uriActual, uriExpected);
// has the url param existing after the ?& with other param
it('http://org.com/path?&prm=src_v&other_p=other_v -> http://org.com/path?&prm=tgt_v&other_p=other_v', function (){
var uri = 'http://site.eu:80/qto/view/devops_guide_doc?&bid=5&other_p&other_v'
var uriExpected = 'http://site.eu:80/qto/view/devops_guide_doc?&bid=10&other_p&other_v'
var uriActual = uri.setUriParam("bid",10)
assert.equal(uriActual, uriExpected);
// has the url param existing after the ? with other param with fragment
it('http://org.com/path?prm=src_v&other_p=other_v#f -> http://org.com/path?&prm=tgt_v&other_p=other_v#f', function (){
var uri = 'http://site.eu:80/qto/view/devops_guide_doc?bid=5&other_p=other_v#f'
var uriExpected = 'http://site.eu:80/qto/view/devops_guide_doc?&bid=10&other_p=other_v#f'
var uriActual = uri.setUriParam("bid",10)
assert.equal(uriActual, uriExpected);
// has the url param existing after the ?& with other param with fragment
it('http://org.com/path?&prm=src_v&other_p=other_v#f -> http://org.com/path?&prm=tgt_v&other_p=other_v#f', function (){
var uri = 'http://site.eu:80/qto/view/devops_guide_doc?&bid=5&other_p&other_v#f'
var uriExpected = 'http://site.eu:80/qto/view/devops_guide_doc?&bid=10&other_p&other_v#f'
var uriActual = uri.setUriParam("bid",10)
assert.equal(uriActual, uriExpected);
// remove the param-name , param-value pair
it('http://org.com/path?prm=src_v&other_p=other_v#f -> http://org.com/path?&prm=tgt_v&other_p=other_v#f', function (){
var uri = 'http://site.eu:80/qto/view/devops_guide_doc?bid=5&other_p=other_v#f'
var uriExpected = 'http://site.eu:80/qto/view/devops_guide_doc?&other_p=other_v#f'
var uriActual = uri.setUriParam("bid",null)
assert.equal(uriActual, uriExpected);
// remove the param-name , param-value pair
it('http://org.com/path?&prm=src_v&other_p=other_v#f -> http://org.com/path?&prm=tgt_v&other_p=other_v#f', function (){
var uri = 'http://site.eu:80/qto/view/devops_guide_doc?&bid=5&other_p=other_v#f'
var uriExpected = 'http://site.eu:80/qto/view/devops_guide_doc?&other_p=other_v#f'
var uriActual = uri.setUriParam("bid",null)
assert.equal(uriActual, uriExpected);
// add a new param name , param value pair
it('http://org.com/path?prm=src_v&other_p=other_v#f -> http://org.com/path?&prm=tgt_v&other_p=other_v#f', function (){
var uri = 'http://site.eu:80/qto/view/devops_guide_doc?&other_p=other_v#f'
var uriExpected = 'http://site.eu:80/qto/view/devops_guide_doc?&other_p=other_v&bid=foo-bar#f'
var uriActual = uri.setUriParam("bid","foo-bar")
assert.equal(uriActual, uriExpected);
// URL: https://example.com?version=1.0
const params = new URLSearchParams(location.search);
params.set('version', 2.0);
window.history.replaceState({}, '', `${location.pathname}?${params}`);
// URL: https://example.com?version=2.0
window.history.replaceState({}, '', `${location.pathname}?${params}`);
// URL: https://example.com?