我正在努力决定如何设计restful url。我完全赞成使用带有名词而不是动词的url的restful方法,我不知道如何做到这一点。


上传新参数 获取最新参数 获取给定业务日期的参数 激活一组参数 验证一组参数




在POST请求中包含参数文件 第一个URL的GET 第二个URL的GET






PUT /parameters/activation HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; encoding=UTF-8
Content-Length: 18

{ "active": true }


In a REST environment, each URL is a unique resource. What are your resources? A financial calculator really doesn't have any obvious resources. You need to dig into what you are calling parameters and pull out the resources. For example, an amortization calendar for a loan might be a resource. The URL for the calendar might include start date, term (in months or years), period (when interest is compounded), interest rate, and initial principle. With all those values, you have a specific calendar of payments:



url的设计与应用程序是否是RESTful无关。因此,“RESTful url”这个短语是毫无意义的。





GET [parametersurl]/validationresults

POST [paramatersurl]
body: {command:"activate"}



Don't use query parameters to alter state Don't use mixed-case paths if you can help it; lowercase is best Don't use implementation-specific extensions in your URIs (.php, .py, .pl, etc.) Don't fall into RPC with your URIs Do limit your URI space as much as possible Do keep path segments short Do prefer either /resource or /resource/; create 301 redirects from the one you don't use Do use query parameters for sub-selection of a resource; i.e. pagination, search queries Do move stuff out of the URI that should be in an HTTP header or a body



Don't ever use GET to alter state; this is a great way to have the Googlebot ruin your day Don't use PUT unless you are updating an entire resource Don't use PUT unless you can also legitimately do a GET on the same URI Don't use POST to retrieve information that is long-lived or that might be reasonable to cache Don't perform an operation that is not idempotent with PUT Do use GET for as much as possible Do use POST in preference to PUT when in doubt Do use POST whenever you have to do something that feels RPC-like Do use PUT for classes of resources that are larger or hierarchical Do use DELETE in preference to POST to remove resources Do use GET for things like calculations, unless your input is large, in which case use POST


Don't put metadata in the body of a response that should be in a header Don't put metadata in a separate resource unless including it would create significant overhead Do use the appropriate status code 201 Created after creating a resource; resource must exist at the time the response is sent 202 Accepted after performing an operation successfully or creating a resource asynchronously 400 Bad Request when someone does an operation on data that's clearly bogus; for your application this could be a validation error; generally reserve 500 for uncaught exceptions 401 Unauthorized when someone accesses your API either without supplying a necessary Authorization header or when the credentials within the Authorization are invalid; don't use this response code if you aren't expecting credentials via an Authorization header. 403 Forbidden when someone accesses your API in a way that might be malicious or if they aren't authorized 405 Method Not Allowed when someone uses POST when they should have used PUT, etc 413 Request Entity Too Large when someone attempts to send you an unacceptably large file 418 I'm a teapot when attempting to brew coffee with a teapot Do use caching headers whenever you can ETag headers are good when you can easily reduce a resource to a hash value Last-Modified should indicate to you that keeping around a timestamp of when resources are updated is a good idea Cache-Control and Expires should be given sensible values Do everything you can to honor caching headers in a request (If-None-Modified, If-Modified-Since) Do use redirects when they make sense, but these should be rare for a web service

关于你的具体问题,第4和第5点应该用POST。这些操作属于上面的“类rpc”准则。对于#5,记住POST不一定要使用Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded。这也可以是一个JSON或CSV有效负载。



> PUT /parameters/<id>/meta HTTP/1.1
> Host: example.com
> Content-Type: application/json
> Connection: close
> {'active': true, 'require-valid': true}
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Connection: close


> GET /parameters/<id>/meta HTTP/1.1
> Host: example.com
> Connection: close
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Content-Type: application/json
< Connection: close
< {
<     'active': true,
<     'require-valid': true,
<     'valid': {'status': false, 'reason': '...'}
< }








