POSIX 2008添加了+标记来查找,这意味着它现在自动将尽可能多的文件分组到单个命令执行中,非常像xargs,但有一些优点:
您不必担心文件名中的奇数字符。 您不必担心使用零文件名调用命令。
文件名问题是在没有-0选项的xargs中出现的,“即使没有文件名也运行”问题是在没有-0选项的情况下出现的,但是GNU xargs有-r或——no-run-if-empty选项来防止这种情况发生。此外,这种表示法减少了进程的数量,并不是说您可能会度量性能上的差异。因此,你可以这样写:
find . -exec grep something {} +
find . -print | xargs grep something
find . -print0 | xargs -0 grep something
for file in 'find -name *.xml'
grep 'hello' file
The simplest is to use backticks (`): cat `find [whatever]` This takes the output of find and effectively places it on the command line of cat. This doesn't work well if find has too much output (more than can fit on a command-line) or if the output has special characters (like spaces). In some shells, including bash, one can use $() instead of backticks : cat $(find [whatever]) This is less portable, but is nestable. Aside from that, it has pretty much the same caveats as backticks. Because running other commands on what was found is a common use for find, find has an -exec action which executes a command for each file it finds: find [whatever] -exec cat {} \; The {} is a placeholder for the filename, and the \; marks the end of the command (It's possible to have other actions after -exec.) This will run cat once for every single file rather than running a single instance of cat passing it multiple filenames which can be inefficient and might not have the behavior you want for some commands (though it's fine for cat). The syntax is also a awkward to type -- you need to escape the semicolon because semicolon is special to the shell! Some versions of find (most notably the GNU version) let you replace ; with + to use -exec's append mode to run fewer instances of cat: find [whatever] -exec cat {} + This will pass multiple filenames to each invocation of cat, which can be more efficient. Note that this is not guaranteed to use a single invocation, however. If the command line would be too long then the arguments are spread across multiple invocations of cat. For cat this is probably not a big deal, but for some other commands this may change the behavior in undesirable ways. On Linux systems, the command line length limit is quite large, so splitting into multiple invocations is quite rare compared to some other OSes. The classic/portable approach is to use xargs: find [whatever] | xargs cat xargs runs the command specified (cat, in this case), and adds arguments based on what it reads from stdin. Just like -exec with +, this will break up the command-line if necessary. That is, if find produces too much output, it'll run cat multiple times. As mentioned in the section about -exec earlier, there are some commands where this splitting may result in different behavior. Note that using xargs like this has issues with spaces in filenames, as xargs just uses whitespace as a delimiter. The most robust, portable, and efficient method also uses xargs: find [whatever] -print0 | xargs -0 cat The -print0 flag tells find to use \0 (null character) delimiters between filenames, and the -0 flag tells xargs to expect these \0 delimiters. This has pretty much identical behavior to the -exec...+ approach, though is more portable (but unfortunately more verbose).
grep YOURSTRING `find .`
Piping to another process (although this won't accomplish what you said you are trying to do): command1 | command2 This will send the output of command1 as the input of command2. -exec on a find (this will do what you want to do, but it's specific to find): find . -name '*.foo' -exec cat {} \; Everything between find and -exec are the find predicates you were already using. {} will substitute the particular file you found into the command (cat {} in this case); the \; is to end the -exec command. Send output of one process as command line arguments to another process: command2 `command1` For example: cat `find . -name '*.foo' -print` Note these are backquotes not regular quotes (they are under the tilde ~ on my keyboard). This will send the output of command1 into command2 as command line arguments. It's called command substitution. Note that file names containing spaces (newlines, etc) will be broken into separate arguments, though.
grep searchterm *