Boilerplate definition is becoming more global in many other programming languages nowadays. It comes from OOP and hybrid languages that have become OOP and were before procedual have now the same goal to keep repeating the code you build with a model/template/class/object hence why they adapt this term. You make a template and the only things you do for each instance of a template are the parameters to individualize an object this part is what we call boilerplate. You simply re-use the code you made a template of, just with different parameters.
同义词 蓝图是样板 模板是样板 页脚是一个样板 用于多种用途的设计模式是一个样板 邮件的签名是一份样板文件
In object-oriented programs, classes are often provided with methods for getting and setting instance variables. The definitions of these methods can frequently be regarded as boilerplate. Although the code will vary from one class to another, it is sufficiently stereotypical in structure that it would be better generated automatically than written by hand. For example, in the following Java class representing a pet, almost all the code is boilerplate except for the declarations of Pet, name and owner: public class Pet { private PetName name; private Person owner; public Pet(PetName name, Person owner) { this.name = name; this.owner = owner; } public PetName getName() { return name; } public void setName(PetName name) { this.name = name; } public Person getOwner() { return owner; } public void setOwner(Person owner) { this.owner = owner; } }
您可以将其称为“片段”,或者更准确地称为“片段的集合”。 我认为这个术语是由新闻界和印刷业创造出来的,在那里他们使用实际的“板块”,然后再次将它们用作大块。 在现代互联网上,这是一个正在进行的(恕我冒犯)趋势的一部分,使用花哨的术语来描述简单的东西,以便看起来更时尚和复杂。参见响应性=适应性/流动性。
在MEAN栈开发中,这个术语指的是通过使用模板来生成代码。它比从头开始手动编码整个应用程序更容易,它提供了代码块的一致性和更少的错误,因为它是干净的,经过测试和验证的代码,而且它是开源的,所以它不断更新或修复,因此它在使用框架或代码生成器时节省了大量时间。有关MEAN stack的更多信息,请点击这里。
Boilerplate definition is becoming more global in many other programming languages nowadays. It comes from OOP and hybrid languages that have become OOP and were before procedual have now the same goal to keep repeating the code you build with a model/template/class/object hence why they adapt this term. You make a template and the only things you do for each instance of a template are the parameters to individualize an object this part is what we call boilerplate. You simply re-use the code you made a template of, just with different parameters.
同义词 蓝图是样板 模板是样板 页脚是一个样板 用于多种用途的设计模式是一个样板 邮件的签名是一份样板文件