
16:50:25  [Apache]     Status change detected: running
16:50:26  [Apache]     Status change detected: stopped
16:50:26  [Apache]     Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly.
16:50:26  [Apache]     This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies,
16:50:26  [Apache]     improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method.
16:50:26  [Apache]     Press the Logs button to view error logs and check
16:50:26  [Apache]     the Windows Event Viewer for more clues
16:50:26  [Apache]     If you need more help, copy and post this
16:50:26  [Apache]     entire log window on the forums



Apache服务器默认运行在80、443端口上。您的问题是两个端口中的一个或两个都忙。通常Skype或VMware Workstation使用这两个端口。所以,确保它们没有在运行。确保端口在windows上是空闲的最好方法是:

单击“窗口”按钮。 在搜索栏中输入resmon,打开资源监视器resmon.exe。 Open Listening Ports,这将显示打开的已使用端口。 现在您可以看到哪个进程正在使用端口80和443。 然后,您可以从CMD中使用进程的PID(在资源监视器中显示)终止进程,或者直接从任务管理器中终止进程。 使用PID类型Taskkill /PID 26356 /F从CMD中终止进程,其中26356是PID。



In xampp control panel, click on Apache config. click on php.ini In php ctrl + F (extension) to find all extensions in your php.ini Comment out each and every active extension by adding a ; at the start of each extension line. example ;;;extension=bz2 i put 3 ;;; because i wanted to know ones i commented out so that when i come back to deburg which one had a problem, it was easy for me to see which ones i commented out. Make sure all extensions=whatever are commented out. Run your apache server. To pickup which extension was the problem, one by one un-comment your extensions while restarting your server until you catch the culprit.

通常,xampp端口错误发生是因为另一个应用程序正在使用xampp试图访问的默认端口80。大多数时候这个应用程序就是Skype。 所以,你有两种方法来解决这个问题:

关闭或终止正在使用该端口的进程/应用程序。 为xampp应用程序使用其他端口。(我个人更喜欢这种方法)。




然后出现这个错误。结果我并没有连接 将电缆连接到它,因此IP不会解析为Apache中的IP集。


你可以采用上面提到的解决方案。这个问题可以通过修改你的“httpd.conf”(C:\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf)文件和“httpd-ssl.conf”(C:\xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-ssl.conf)文件来解决。 如果问题仍然存在,你可以检查你的skype端口。

But in my case this was different. I had to make changes in "server.crt"(C:\xampp\apache\conf\ssl.crt\server.crt) file.Try running your xammp apache from the command line in administration mode. "C:\xampp\apache\bin\httpd.exe" This will give you the errors -in which file and -which line. Likewise, I had an error in server.crt file which was blank. If you have xammp running in any other system, just copy the contents of this file(C:\xampp\apache\conf\ssl.crt\server.crt) and paste in your server.crt file and You are Done!

感谢和问候 阿卡纳


localhost: 8080 / path_to_your_website.php