Date and Calendar are really the same fundamental concept (both represent an instant in time and are wrappers around an underlying long value). One could argue that Calendar is actually even more broken than Date is, as it seems to offer concrete facts about things like day of the week and time of day, whereas if you change its timeZone property, the concrete turns into blancmange! Neither objects are really useful as a store of year-month-day or time-of-day for this reason. Use Calendar only as a calculator which, when given Date and TimeZone objects, will do calculations for you. Avoid its use for property typing in an application. Use SimpleDateFormat together with TimeZone and Date to generate display Strings. If you're feeling adventurous use Joda-Time, although it is unnecessarily complicated IMHO and is soon to be superceded by the JSR-310 date API in any event. I have answered before that it is not difficult to roll your own YearMonthDay class, which uses Calendar under the hood for date calculations. I was downvoted for the suggestion but I still believe it is a valid one because Joda-Time (and JSR-310) are really so over-complicated for most use-cases.
顺便说一句,“日期”通常被标记为“过时/弃用”(我不知道确切的原因)-关于它的一些东西写在那里 Java:为什么日期构造函数弃用,我用什么代替?
看起来这是一个构造函数的问题-方法通过新日期(int年,int月,int日),推荐的方法是通过日历和设置参数分开。(Calendar cal = Calendar. getinstance (); )
有点晚了,但是Java在JDK 8中有一个新的日期时间API。您可能希望升级JDK版本并采用该标准。没有更多凌乱的日期/日历,没有更多第三方罐子。
Date and Calendar are really the same fundamental concept (both represent an instant in time and are wrappers around an underlying long value). One could argue that Calendar is actually even more broken than Date is, as it seems to offer concrete facts about things like day of the week and time of day, whereas if you change its timeZone property, the concrete turns into blancmange! Neither objects are really useful as a store of year-month-day or time-of-day for this reason. Use Calendar only as a calculator which, when given Date and TimeZone objects, will do calculations for you. Avoid its use for property typing in an application. Use SimpleDateFormat together with TimeZone and Date to generate display Strings. If you're feeling adventurous use Joda-Time, although it is unnecessarily complicated IMHO and is soon to be superceded by the JSR-310 date API in any event. I have answered before that it is not difficult to roll your own YearMonthDay class, which uses Calendar under the hood for date calculations. I was downvoted for the suggestion but I still believe it is a valid one because Joda-Time (and JSR-310) are really so over-complicated for most use-cases.
当我需要对日期进行一些特定的操作时,我使用日历,但当你需要格式化日期以适应你的需求时,我发现它很有帮助,最近我发现Locale有很多有用的操作和方法。我现在使用Locale !