我试图通过访问/data/data/my package文件夹来确保数据库在卸载后已经消失,并且在卸载期间确实删除了该文件夹。
我试图通过访问设置页面删除该应用程序,通过Titanium Backup,结果是一样的。该设备是运行v6.0的Nexus 5。
Android:allowbackup -将备份它所在设备上的本地应用数据。
Android:fullBackupContent -与谷歌的备份恢复api一起使用,可以通过一个xml文件来控制,以指定备份的内容,以及一个BackupManager类,您可以实现对过程的进一步控制。
However the documentation states, and I have confirmed with testing, that a restore will only occur either when the device is restored and the restore app data process is triggered. OR it will also restore when the app is sideloaded through adb, which is what we do when we run the app for testing or debug on our devices through Android Studio. Note that if you set android:allowbackup but do not configure android:fullBackupContent with a Google api code then the apps data only gets stored locally, whereas if you configured it properly then if your app was backed up and you get a new device the apps data was stored on the cloud so it can be restored on a new device.