I have always thought that functional programming can be done in Python. Thus, I was surprised that Python didn't get much of a mention in this question, and when it was mentioned, it normally wasn't very positive. However, not many reasons were given for this (lack of pattern matching and algebraic data types were mentioned). So my question is: why isn't Python very good for functional programming? Are there more reasons than its lack of pattern matching and algebraic data types? Or are these concepts so important to functional programming that a language that doesn't support them can only be classed as a second rate functional programming language? (Keep in mind that my experience with functional programming is quite limited.)




def grandKids(generation, kidsFunc, val):
  layer = [val]
  for i in xrange(generation):
    layer = itertools.chain.from_iterable(itertools.imap(kidsFunc, layer))
  return layer


grandKids generation kidsFunc val =
  iterate (concatMap kidsFunc) [val] !! generation




I have never considered Python to be heavily influenced by functional languages, no matter what people say or think. I was much more familiar with imperative languages such as C and Algol 68 and although I had made functions first-class objects, I didn't view Python as a functional programming language. However, earlier on, it was clear that users wanted to do much more with lists and functions. ... It is also worth noting that even though I didn't envision Python as a functional language, the introduction of closures has been useful in the development of many other advanced programming features. For example, certain aspects of new-style classes, decorators, and other modern features rely upon this capability. Lastly, even though a number of functional programming features have been introduced over the years, Python still lacks certain features found in “real” functional programming languages. For instance, Python does not perform certain kinds of optimizations (e.g., tail recursion). In general, because Python's extremely dynamic nature, it is impossible to do the kind of compile-time optimization known from functional languages like Haskell or ML. And that's fine.


该语言的创造者并不真正认为Python是一种函数式语言。因此,可能会看到“函数式”的特性,但不太可能看到任何明确的功能。 Python的动态特性抑制了您在其他函数式语言中看到的一些优化。当然,Lisp和Python一样是动态的(如果不是更动态的话),所以这只是部分解释。






In addition to other answers, one reason Python and most other multi-paradigm languages are not well suited for true functional programming is because their compilers / virtual machines / run-times do not support functional optimization. This sort of optimization is achieved by the compiler understanding mathematical rules. For example, many programming languages support a map function or method. This is a fairly standard function that takes a function as one argument and a iterable as the second argument then applies that function to each element in the iterable.

不管怎样,map(foo(), x) * map(foo(), y)和map(foo(), x * y)是一样的。后者实际上比前者快,因为前者执行两个副本,而后者执行一个副本。



λ。由于Lambdas只能包含一个表达式,并且不能在表达式上下文中轻松地做所有事情,这意味着可以“动态”定义的函数是有限的。 if是语句,不是表达式。这意味着,除其他外,你不能有一个包含If的lambda。(这在Python 2.5中由三元组修复,但看起来很难看。) Guido每隔一段时间就威胁要移除map、filter和reduce
