

我在Windows 7客户端机器的受信任根证书颁发机构中安装了自签名证书。我可以在Internet Explorer中浏览到HTTPS存储库URL,而不会出现错误消息。

Philip Kelley的这篇博客文章解释了cURL不使用客户端机器的证书存储。我按照博客文章的建议创建了curl-ca-bundle的私有副本。然后配置Git使用它。我确定Git正在使用我的副本。如果我重命名副本;Git抱怨文件丢失。



我看到的唯一不同于博客文章的地方是我的证书是根证书——没有链可以到达它。我的证书最初来自点击IIS8 IIS管理器链接“创建自签名证书”。也许这使得证书在某种程度上与cURL所期望的有所不同。




git config --global http.sslVerify false


如果要完全禁用SSL验证,则打开Git Bash并运行该命令。

git config --global http.sslVerify false

注意:此解决方案使您容易受到中间人攻击等攻击。 因此,尽快再次开启验证:

git config --global http.sslVerify true

解决了我的问题 Git配置——global http。sslBackend schannel

在使用Windows时,问题在于git默认使用“Linux”加密后端。从Git for Windows 2.14开始,您可以配置Git使用内置的Windows网络层channel作为加密后端。要做到这一点,只需在GIT客户端运行以下命令:

git config --global http.sslbackend schannel

这意味着它将使用Windows证书存储机制,您不需要显式地配置curl CA存储(http.sslCAInfo)机制。

You might have a DNS issue and not a certificate issue, so before you disable SSL verification in your Git shell you should rule out a DNS problem. Cases such as these have been mentioned in Q&A forums such as https-issues-possibly-related-to-dns. If you are using WSL on Windows as your terminal, then you can try running sudo echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf and then issue the git commands to see if that makes a difference. This does not seem to be a permanent DNS fix (lasting only the lifetime of your terminal session), but it could help you determine whether it is a DNS issue and not a certificate issue. You could also check this document on configuring your network to use a public DNS. Again, this is only to help you determine if your DNS settings might need adjusting in order to help resolve the certificate issues.


把失败 致命:无法访问 SSL证书问题:无法获得本地颁发者证书


在本地机器上提交文件后,当本地Git连接参数过期时(例如HTTP更改为HTTPS),就会出现“push fail”错误。


Open the .git folder in the root of the local directory Open the config file in a code editor or text editor (VS Code, Notepad, Textpad) Replace HTTP links inside the file with the latest HTTPS or SSH link available from the web page of the appropriate Git repo (clone button) Examples: url = http://git.[host]/[group/project/repo_name] (actual path) replace it with either url = ssh://git@git.[host]:/[group/project/repo_name] (new path SSH) url = https://git.[host]/[group/project/repo_name] (new path HTTPS)