
FROM busybox
RUN echo This is the A > a
RUN echo This is the B > b
RUN echo This is the C > c


FROM busybox
RUN echo This is the A > a &&\
    echo This is the B > b &&\
    echo This is the C > c


当一个RUN删除了之前RUN添加的东西时(例如yum install nano && yum clean all),这显然是正确的,但在每次RUN都添加一些东西的情况下,我们需要考虑以下几点:

Layers are supposed to just add a diff above the previous one, so if the later layer does not remove something added in a previous one, there should not be much disk space saving advantage between both methods. Layers are pulled in parallel from Docker Hub, so Dockerfile.1, although probably slightly bigger, would theoretically get downloaded faster. If adding a 4th sentence (i.e. echo This is the D > d) and locally rebuilding, Dockerfile.1 would build faster thanks to cache, but Dockerfile.2 would have to run all 4 commands again.




尽量减少层数 你需要找到两者之间的平衡 Dockerfile的可读性(以及长期可维护性) 尽量减少它使用的层数。有策略,谨慎 关于你使用的层数。

从docker 1.10开始,COPY, ADD和RUN语句为你的图像添加了一个新层。使用这些语句时要小心。尝试将命令组合成一个RUN语句。仅在为了可读性需要时才将其分离。


更新:docker >17.05的多级



对于多阶段构建,您可以在 Dockerfile。每个FROM指令可以使用不同的基,并且每个FROM指令可以使用不同的基 其中一个开始了构建的新阶段。你可以选择性地复制 从一个阶段到另一个阶段,留下你的一切 不想在最后的图像。



Yes, layers are sort of like diffs. I don't think there are layers added if there's absolutely zero changes. The problem is that once you install / download something in layer #2, you can not remove it in layer #3. So once something is written in a layer, the image size can not be decreased anymore by removing that. Although layers can be pulled in parallel, making it potentially faster, each layer undoubtedly increases the image size, even if they're removing files. Yes, caching is useful if you're updating your docker file. But it works in one direction. If you have 10 layers, and you change layer #6, you'll still have to rebuild everything from layer #6-#10. So it's not too often that it will speed the build process up, but it's guaranteed to unnecessarily increase the size of your image.



When possible, I always merge together commands that create files with commands that delete those same files into a single RUN line. This is because each RUN line adds a layer to the image, the output is quite literally the filesystem changes that you could view with docker diff on the temporary container it creates. If you delete a file that was created in a different layer, all the union filesystem does is register the filesystem change in a new layer, the file still exists in the previous layer and is shipped over the networked and stored on disk. So if you download source code, extract it, compile it into a binary, and then delete the tgz and source files at the end, you really want this all done in a single layer to reduce image size.


Order in the Dockerfile is important when looking at image cache reuse. I look at any components that will update very rarely, possibly only when the base image updates and put those high up in the Dockerfile. Towards the end of the Dockerfile, I include any commands that will run quick and may change frequently, e.g. adding a user with a host specific UID or creating folders and changing permissions. If the container includes interpreted code (e.g. JavaScript) that is being actively developed, that gets added as late as possible so that a rebuild only runs that single change.







尽量减少层数 你需要找到两者之间的平衡 Dockerfile的可读性(以及长期可维护性) 尽量减少它使用的层数。有策略,谨慎 关于你使用的层数。

从docker 1.10开始,COPY, ADD和RUN语句为你的图像添加了一个新层。使用这些语句时要小心。尝试将命令组合成一个RUN语句。仅在为了可读性需要时才将其分离。


更新:docker >17.05的多级



对于多阶段构建,您可以在 Dockerfile。每个FROM指令可以使用不同的基,并且每个FROM指令可以使用不同的基 其中一个开始了构建的新阶段。你可以选择性地复制 从一个阶段到另一个阶段,留下你的一切 不想在最后的图像。



Yes, layers are sort of like diffs. I don't think there are layers added if there's absolutely zero changes. The problem is that once you install / download something in layer #2, you can not remove it in layer #3. So once something is written in a layer, the image size can not be decreased anymore by removing that. Although layers can be pulled in parallel, making it potentially faster, each layer undoubtedly increases the image size, even if they're removing files. Yes, caching is useful if you're updating your docker file. But it works in one direction. If you have 10 layers, and you change layer #6, you'll still have to rebuild everything from layer #6-#10. So it's not too often that it will speed the build process up, but it's guaranteed to unnecessarily increase the size of your image.



在Docker 17.05之前,甚至在Docker 1.10之前,最小化图像中的层数是很重要的。的 以下改进减轻了这一需求: […] Docker 17.05及更高版本增加了对多阶段构建的支持 允许您只复制您需要的工件到最终的图像。 这允许您将工具和调试信息包含在 中间构建阶段,而不增加最终的大小 的形象。


注意,这个示例还人为地压缩了两个RUN命令 一起使用Bash &&操作符,以避免创建额外的 图层在图像中。这很容易失败,而且很难维护。




Dockerfile 运行yum install big-package && yum install pack1 Dockerfile 运行yum install big-package && yum install package2


Dockerfile 运行yum install big-package 执行yum install package1 Dockerfile 运行yum install big-package 执行yum install package2
