





UTF-8, 8位可变宽度编码,最大限度地兼容ASCII; UTF-16,一种16位变宽编码; UTF-32, 32位,固定宽度编码。


在UTF-8中,每个字符被编码成1到4个字节(主要编码) 在UTF16中,每个字符被编码成1到2个16位的单词和 在UTF-32中,每个字符都被编码为一个32位的单词。





To be useful in computing systems we need to choose a representation for this information. Those are the various unicode encodings, such as utf-8, utf-16le, utf-32 etc. They are distinguished largely by the size of of their codeunits. UTF-32 is the simplest encoding, it has a codeunit that is 32bits, which means an individual codepoint fits comfortably into a codeunit. The other encodings will have situations where a codepoint will need multiple codeunits, or that particular codepoint can't be represented in the encoding at all (this is a problem for instance with UCS-2).



[0xD800 - 0xDBFF]  [0xDC00 - 0xDFF]

在[…]表示给定范围的双字节代码单元。任何<= 0xD7FF的值都是一个代码单元(两个字节)。任何>= 0xE000都是无效的(BOM标记除外)。


看看这个Unicode代码转换器。例如,在“0x…”字段,然后单击Convert。十六进制数E2 80 89(3字节)出现在“UTF-8 code units”字段中。





composed characters, where instead of using the character entity that is already accented/diacritic (À), a user decided to combine the accent and the base character (`A). code points. Code points are the method by which the UTF-encodings allow to encode more than the number of bits that gives them their name would usually allow. E.g. UTF-8 designates certain bytes which on their own are invalid, but when followed by a valid continuation byte will allow to describe a character beyond the 8-bit range of 0..255. See the Examples and Overlong Encodings below in the Wikipedia article on UTF-8. The excellent example given there is that the € character (code point U+20AC can be represented either as three-byte sequence E2 82 AC or four-byte sequence F0 82 82 AC. Both are valid, and this shows how complicated the answer is when talking about "Unicode" and not about a specific encoding of Unicode, such as UTF-8 or UTF-16. Strictly speaking, as pointed out in a comment, this doesn't seem to be the case any longer or was even based on a misunderstanding on my part. The quote from the updated Wikipedia article reads: Longer encodings are called overlong and are not valid UTF-8 representations of the code point.

在utf - 8:

1 byte:       0 -     7F     (ASCII)
2 bytes:     80 -    7FF     (all European plus some Middle Eastern)
3 bytes:    800 -   FFFF     (multilingual plane incl. the top 1792 and private-use)
4 bytes:  10000 - 10FFFF

在utf - 16:

2 bytes:      0 -   D7FF     (multilingual plane except the top 1792 and private-use )
4 bytes:   D800 - 10FFFF

在utf - 32:

4 bytes:      0 - 10FFFF

