


I benchmarked my original solution against other solutions suggests here and found that it is very inefficient. The benchmark itself is very interesting (link) It compares 3 solutions (higher is better): @fregante (formerly called @bfred.it) solution, which adds values one by one (14,955 op/sec) @jameslk's solution, which uses a self invoking generator (5,089 op/sec) my own, which uses reduce & spread (3,434 op/sec) As you can see, @fregante's solution is definitely the winner. Performance + Immutability With that in mind, here's a slightly modified version which doesn't mutates the original set and excepts a variable number of iterables to combine as arguments: function union(...iterables) { const set = new Set(); for (const iterable of iterables) { for (const item of iterable) { set.add(item); } } return set; } Usage: const a = new Set([1, 2, 3]); const b = new Set([1, 3, 5]); const c = new Set([4, 5, 6]); union(a,b,c) // {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}




function union (sets) {
  return sets.reduce((combined, list) => {
    return new Set([...combined, ...list]);
  }, new Set());


const a = new Set([1, 2, 3]);
const b = new Set([1, 3, 5]);
const c = new Set([4, 5, 6]);

union([a, b, c]) // {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}



function union (...sets) {
  return sets.reduce((combined, list) => {
    return new Set([...combined, ...list]);
  }, new Set());


union(a, b, c) // {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}



Map.prototype.assign = function(...maps) {
    for (const m of maps)
        for (const kv of m)
    return this;

Set.prototype.concat = function(...sets) {
    const c = this.constructor;
    let res = new (c[Symbol.species] || c)();
    for (const set of [this, ...sets])
        for (const v of set)
    return res;



let map1 = new Map(), map2 = new Map();

map1.set('a', 'foo');
map1.set('b', 'bar');
map2.set('b', 'baz');
map2.set('c', 'bazz');

let map3 = new Map(function*() { yield* map1; yield* map2; }());

console.log(Array.from(map3)); // Result: [ [ 'a', 'foo' ], [ 'b', 'baz' ], [ 'c', 'bazz' ] ]


let set1 = new Set(['foo', 'bar']), set2 = new Set(['bar', 'baz']);

let set3 = new Set(function*() { yield* set1; yield* set2; }());

console.log(Array.from(set3)); // Result: [ 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ]


var Sets = [set1, set2, set3];

var merged = new Set([].concat(...Sets.map(set => Array.from(set))));


var merged = new Set([].concat(...Sets.map(Array.from)));


const union = (...sets) => new Set(sets.map(s => [...s]).flat());


const mergeMaps = (map1, map2, combineValuesOfDuplicateKeys) => {
  const mapCopy1 = new Map(map1);
  const mapCopy2 = new Map(map2);

  mapCopy1.forEach((value, key) => {
    if (!mapCopy2.has(key)) {
      mapCopy2.set(key, value);
    } else {
      const newValue = combineValuesOfDuplicateKeys
        ? combineValuesOfDuplicateKeys(value, mapCopy2.get(key))
        : mapCopy2.get(key);
      mapCopy2.set(key, newValue);

  return new Map([...mapCopy1, ...mapCopy2]);

const mergeMaps = (map1, map2, combineValuesOfDuplicateKeys) => { const mapCopy1 = new Map(map1); const mapCopy2 = new Map(map2); mapCopy1.forEach((value, key) => { if (!mapCopy2.has(key)) { mapCopy2.set(key, value); } else { const newValue = combineValuesOfDuplicateKeys ? combineValuesOfDuplicateKeys(value, mapCopy2.get(key)) : mapCopy2.get(key); mapCopy2.set(key, newValue); mapCopy1.delete(key); } }); return new Map([...mapCopy1, ...mapCopy2]); }; const map1 = new Map([ ["key1", 1], ["key2", 2] ]); const map2 = new Map([ ["key2", 3], ["key4", 4] ]); const show = (object) => { return JSON.stringify(Array.from(object), null, 2) } document.getElementById("app").innerHTML = ` <h1>Maps are awesome!</h1> <div>map1 = ${show(map1)}</div> <div>map2 = ${show(map2)}</div><br> <div>Set value of last duplicate key:<br>merged map = ${show(mergeMaps(map1, map2))}</div><br> <div>Set value of pair-wise summated duplicate keys:<br>merged map = ${show(mergeMaps(map1, map2, (value1, value2) => value1 + value2))}</div><br> <div>Set value of pair-wise difference of duplicate keys:<br>merged map = ${show(mergeMaps(map1, map2, (value1, value2) => value1 - value2))}</div><br> <div>Set value of pair-wise multiplication of duplicate keys:<br>merged map = ${show(mergeMaps(map1, map2, (value1, value2) => value1 * value2))}</div><br> <div>Set value of pair-wise quotient of duplicate keys:<br>merged map = ${show(mergeMaps(map1, map2, (value1, value2) => value1 / value2))}</div><br> <div>Set value of pair-wise power of duplicate keys:<br>merged map = ${show(mergeMaps(map1, map2, (value1, value2) => Math.pow(value1, value2)))}</div><br> `; <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Parcel Sandbox</title> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <div id="app"></div> <script src="src/index.js"> </script> </body> </html>