
如何在AWS亚马逊Linux上一个命令安装Node.JS和NPM ?


正如其他人提到的,使用epel会得到一个非常过时的版本,下面是我刚刚写的一个小脚本,它可以添加到CI管道中,或者将其传递给ec2 user-data,以安装最新版本的node,只需将版本替换为您想要的版本,以及您正在使用的合适的Linux发行版。




curl -O https://nodejs.org/download/release/latest/$package_name.tar.gz
tar -xvf $package_name.tar.gz -C $package_location
rm -rfv $package_name.tar.gz

echo "export PATH=$package_location/$package_name/bin:\$PATH" >> ~/.profile


. ~/.profile


接受的答案给了我节点0.10.36和npm 1.3.6,这是非常过时的。我从nodejs下载页面获取了最新的linux-x64 tarball,安装起来并不太难:https://nodejs.org/dist/latest/。

# start in a directory where you like to install things for the current user
(For noobs : it downloads node package as node.tgz file in your directlry)
curl (paste the link to the one you want from the downloads page) >node.tgz


tar xzf node.tgz


export PATH="$PATH:(your install dir)/(node dir)/bin"

(例如:export PATH ="$PATH:/home/ec2-user/mydirectory/node/node4.5.0-linux-x64/bin")


npm install -g npm



教程:在Amazon EC2实例上设置Node.js


确保已通过ssh连接到实例。 获取nvm: curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.32.0/install.sh | bash 活跃。~ / .nvm / nvm.sh 使用nvm Install 4.4.5安装节点(注意:您可以选择不同的版本。首先运行$ nvm ls-remote检查远程版本) 最后,运行$ node -e "console.log(' running node .js' + process.version)"



check git is installed git --version or install it via: sudo yum install git install gcc and openssl: sudo yum install gcc-c++ make sudo yum install openssl-devel clone the git repo into a directory called node (which you can remove later): git clone https://github.com/nodejs/node.git decide which version of node you want at https://github.com/nodejs/node/releases go to the node directory just created and install node cd node git checkout v6.1.0 - put your desired version after the v ./configure make sudo make install test that node is installed / working with either node --version or simply node (exit node via process.exit() or ^C x 2 or ^C + exit) check the npm version: npm --version and update if necessary via sudo npm install -g npm Optional: remove the node directory with rm -r node


The accepted answer didn't work since sudo yum install nodejs --enablerepo=epel-testing returns the error: No package nodejs available. ...and sudo yum install nodejs --enablerepo=epel (ie without -testing) only gave very old versions. If you already have an old version of node installed you can remove it with: sudo npm uninstall npm -g ...since npm can uninstall itself sudo yum erase nodejs sudo rm -f /usr/local/bin/node (sudo yum rm nodejs in the accepted answer won't work as rm is not a valid yum command see yum --help) It's possible to clone the node repo via git clone git://github.com/nodejs/node.git rather than git clone https://github.com/nodejs/node.gitbut you may get a various errors (see here). If you already have a /node dir from a previous install, remove it before using the git clone command (or there'll be a conflict): rm -r node If you have trouble with any sudo npm... command - like sudo: npm: command not found and/or have permissions issues installing node packages without sudo, edit sudo nano /etc/sudoers and add :/usr/local/bin to the end of the line Defaults secure_path = /sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin so that it reads Defaults secure_path = /sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin


curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_10.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs


sudo yum install nodejs npm --enablerepo=epel

EDIT 3:截至2016年7月,EDIT 1不再适用于nodejs 4 (EDIT 2也一样)。这个答案(https://stackoverflow.com/a/35165401/78935)给出了一个真正的单行程序。

编辑1:如果你正在寻找nodejs 4,请尝试EPEL测试repo:

sudo yum install nodejs --enablerepo=epel-testing

编辑2:使用上面的命令从EPEL repo安装的nodejs 0.12升级到EPEL测试repo的nodejs 4,请遵循以下步骤:

sudo yum rm nodejs
sudo rm -f /usr/local/bin/node
sudo yum install nodejs --enablerepo=epel-testing




EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) is open source and free community based repository project from Fedora team which provides 100% high quality add-on software packages for Linux distribution including RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux), CentOS, and Scientific Linux. Epel project is not a part of RHEL/Cent OS but it is designed for major Linux distributions by providing lots of open source packages like networking, sys admin, programming, monitoring and so on. Most of the epel packages are maintained by Fedora repo. Via http://www.tecmint.com/how-to-enable-epel-repository-for-rhel-centos-6-5/