
const cars = [
        'make': 'audi',
        'model': 'r8',
        'year': '2012'
    }, {
        'make': 'audi',
        'model': 'rs5',
        'year': '2013'
    }, {
        'make': 'ford',
        'model': 'mustang',
        'year': '2012'
    }, {
        'make': 'ford',
        'model': 'fusion',
        'year': '2015'
    }, {
        'make': 'kia',
        'model': 'optima',
        'year': '2012'


const cars = {
    'audi': [
            'model': 'r8',
            'year': '2012'
        }, {
            'model': 'rs5',
            'year': '2013'

    'ford': [
            'model': 'mustang',
            'year': '2012'
        }, {
            'model': 'fusion',
            'year': '2015'

    'kia': [
            'model': 'optima',
            'year': '2012'




由@Nina Scholz发布的reduce()选项似乎是最佳选项。


Prototype version using ES6 as well. Basically this uses the reduce function to pass in an accumulator and current item, which then uses this to build your "grouped" arrays based on the passed in key. the inner part of the reduce may look complicated but essentially it is testing to see if the key of the passed in object exists and if it doesn't then create an empty array and append the current item to that newly created array otherwise using the spread operator pass in all the objects of the current key array and append current item. Hope this helps someone!.

Array.prototype.groupBy = function(k) {
  return this.reduce((acc, item) => ((acc[item[k]] = [...(acc[item[k]] || []), item]), acc),{});

const projs = [
    project: "A",
    timeTake: 2,
    desc: "this is a description"
    project: "B",
    timeTake: 4,
    desc: "this is a description"
    project: "A",
    timeTake: 12,
    desc: "this is a description"
    project: "B",
    timeTake: 45,
    desc: "this is a description"



var cars = [ { 'make': 'audi', 'model': 'r8', 'year': '2012' }, { 'make': 'audi', 'model': 'rs5', 'year': '2013' }, { 'make': 'ford', 'model': 'mustang', 'year': '2012' }, { 'make': 'ford', 'model': 'fusion', 'year': '2015' }, { 'make': 'kia', 'model': 'optima', 'year': '2012' }, ]; let ObjMap ={}; cars.forEach(element => { var makeKey = element.make; if(!ObjMap[makeKey]) { ObjMap[makeKey] = []; } ObjMap[makeKey].push({ model: element.model, year: element.year }); }); console.log(ObjMap);

const groupBy = (array, callback) => {
  const groups = {};
  array.forEach((element) => {
    const groupName = callback(element);
    if (groupName in groups) {
    } else {
      groups[groupName] = [element];
  return groups;


(() => {
  Array.prototype.groupBy = function (callback) {
    const groups = {};
    this.forEach((element, ...args) => {
      const groupName = callback(element, ...args);
      if (groupName in groups) {
      } else {
        groups[groupName] = [element];

    return groups;

const res = [{ name: 1 }, { name: 1 }, { name: 0 }].groupBy(({ name }) => name);

// const res = {
//   0: [{name: 0}],
//   1: [{name: 1}, {name: 1}]
// }


我用REAL GROUP BY作为JS数组的例子和这个任务完全一样

const inputArray = [ { Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 1", Task: "Task 1", Value: "5" }, { Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 1", Task: "Task 2", Value: "10" }, { Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 2", Task: "Task 1", Value: "15" }, { Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 2", Task: "Task 2", Value: "20" }, { Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 1", Task: "Task 1", Value: "25" }, { Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 1", Task: "Task 2", Value: "30" }, { Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 2", Task: "Task 1", Value: "35" }, { Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 2", Task: "Task 2", Value: "40" } ]; var outObject = inputArray.reduce(function(a, e) { // GROUP BY estimated key (estKey), well, may be a just plain key // a -- Accumulator result object // e -- sequentally checked Element, the Element that is tested just at this itaration // new grouping name may be calculated, but must be based on real value of real field let estKey = (e['Phase']); (a[estKey] ? a[estKey] : (a[estKey] = null || [])).push(e); return a; }, {}); console.log(outObject);

这是一个通用函数,将返回Array groupBy自己的键。

const getSectionListGroupedByKey = < T > ( property: keyof T, List: Array < T > ): Array < { title: T[keyof T];data: Array < T > } > => { const sectionList: Array < { title: T[keyof T];data: Array < T > } > = []; if (!property || !List ? .[0] ? .[property]) { return []; } const groupedTxnListMap: Map < T[keyof T], Array < T >> = List.reduce((acc, cv) => { const keyValue: T[keyof T] = cv[property]; if (acc.has(keyValue)) { acc.get(keyValue) ? .push(cv); } else { acc.set(keyValue, [cv]); } return acc; }, new Map < T[keyof T], Array < T >> ()); groupedTxnListMap.forEach((value, key) => { sectionList.push({ title: key, data: value }); }); return sectionList; }; // Example const cars = [{ 'make': 'audi', 'model': 'r8', 'year': '2012' }, { 'make': 'audi', 'model': 'rs5', 'year': '2013' }, { 'make': 'ford', 'model': 'mustang', 'year': '2012' }, { 'make': 'ford', 'model': 'fusion', 'year': '2015' }, { 'make': 'kia', 'model': 'optima', 'year': '2012' }, ]; const result = getSectionListGroupedByKey('make', cars); console.log('result: ', result)