如果我在插入模式下按下h, j, k和l,实际字符将打印在屏幕上,而不是在文本中移动。
我现在这样做的方式是不得不诉诸Ctrl + [(Esc)和遍历文本;但很明显,这是没有成效的。
如果我在插入模式下按下h, j, k和l,实际字符将打印在屏幕上,而不是在文本中移动。
我现在这样做的方式是不得不诉诸Ctrl + [(Esc)和遍历文本;但很明显,这是没有成效的。
Vim支持许多插入模式导航键。显然有方向键、Home键和结束键,但还有许多其他快捷键。参见:h ins-special-keys。
imap <C-b> <Left>
imap <C-f> <Right>
imap <C-e> <End>
imap <C-a> <Home>
" <C-a> is used to repeat last entered text. Override it, if its not needed
<Meta-b> maps to <Esc><C-left>
然而,你真的想在文本中使用“正常”模式导航。Vim在这方面非常出色,所有这些功能都可以从普通模式中获得。Vim已经提供了从普通模式切换到插入模式的简单方法(例如,i, i, a, a, o, o),诀窍是让它更容易进入正常模式。这样做的方法是将escape重新映射到一个更方便的键。但你需要一个不会与你的常规打字冲突的键盘。我使用:
inoremap jj <Esc>
我做的另一个重要的改变是切换我键盘上的CAPSLOCK和CONTROL键(使用主机的键盘配置),因为我几乎从不使用CAPSLOCK,它有一个大而漂亮的按钮,就在我想要它的地方。(这对于Emacs用户来说很常见。缺点是当你发现自己在一个“不固定”的键盘上时!Aaarggh !)
请记住,有些键已经在插入模式下映射(默认情况下,反向kill-word是C-w (Control-w)),您可能已经有了想要的绑定。也就是说,我更喜欢C-h,所以在我的。vimrc中,我有:
inoremap <C-h> <C-w>
nnoremap <C-h> db
(d)elete (b)ackwards用相同的关键和弦完成了同样的事情。这种快速编辑是我在实践中发现的一种有用的错别字。但是在文本中移动和删除前一个单词以外的任何事情都要使用正常模式。一旦你养成了改变模式的习惯(当然是使用重映射),它将比重映射插入模式更有效。
虽然您应该能够使用h j k l键在插入模式下遍历编辑器可能有意义,但这实际上不是Vim的使用方式!Vim提供了许多命令来使编辑变得更快更容易。
You accidentally typed "accifentally". No problem, the sequence EscFfrdA will correct the mistake and bring you back to where you were editing. The Ff movement will move your cursor backwards to the first encountered "f" character. Compare that with Ctrl+←→→→→DeldEnd, which does virtually the same in a casual editor, but takes more keystrokes and makes you move your hand out of the alphanumeric area of the keyboard. You accidentally typed "you accidentally typed", but want to correct it to "you intentionally typed". Then Esc2bcw will erase the word you want to fix and bring you to insert mode, so you can immediately retype it. To get back to editing, just press A instead of End, so you don't have to move your hand to reach the End key. You accidentally typed "mouse" instead of "mice". No problem - the good old Ctrl+w will delete the previous word without leaving insert mode. And it happens to be much faster to erase a small word than to fix errors within it. I'm so used to it that I had closed the browser page when I was typing this message...! Repetition count is largely underused. Before making a movement, you can type a number; and the movement will be repeated this number of times. For example, 15h will bring your cursor 15 characters back and 4j will move your cursor 4 lines down. Start using them and you'll get used to it soon. If you made a mistake ten characters back from your cursor, you'll find out that pressing the ← key 10 times is much slower than the iterative approach to moving the cursor. So you can instead quickly type the keys 12h (as a rough of guess how many characters back that you need to move your cursor), and immediately move forward twice with ll to quickly correct the error.
imap h <Left>
是的,有办法。您可以在Insert Mode中使用gj和gk在单个逻辑行中向上(向后)和向下(向前)移动,该逻辑行环绕着许多可视线条。如果你有很长的行和/或宽度较窄的终端,这是很方便的,可以比方向键或按ESC键来使用其他导航快捷键快得多。还可以使用CTRL-O发出一个普通模式命令。这两种导航动作都不会使您退出插入模式。
imap <A-UP> <ESC>gki
imap <A-DOWN> <ESC>gji
" <ALT> navigation within insert-mode
imap <A-UP> <ESC>gki
imap <A-DOWN> <ESC>gji
imap <A-LEFT> <ESC>bi
imap <A-RIGHT> <ESC>ea
imap <A-END> <ESC>A
imap <A-PageUp> <ESC>(i
imap <A-PageDown> <ESC>l)i
imap <A-Home> <Esc>I
" so that <ALT> behaves the same in normal mode
nmap <A-UP> gk
nmap <A-DOWN> gj
nmap <A-LEFT> b
nmap <A-RIGHT> le
nmap <A-END> $
nmap <A-PageUp> (
nmap <A-PageDown> )
nmap <A-Home> ^
My "within" insert-mode navigation short cuts utilize the ALT key with PgUp, PgDn, Home & End keys too, to jump around far more quickly. I use alt-pgup and alt-pgdn presses to jump forward or backward by sentences. And, I use alt-home and alt-end to jump to the beginning and end of my paragraph long logical lines. None of this escapes me out of insert mode. (I figured that I might as well program all the preassigned navigation keys to work quickly within insert-mode, without leaving it). And if I want to move one character at a time, I just let up on the ALT key while still using the arrow keys.
顺便说一下,这个键已经与所有其他正常模式导航命令一起工作了,比如h,j,k,l和w, w, b, b, e和search: /,%等。除了它会自动退出插入模式,而无需按ESC键。因此,使用正常模式导航字符会让你陷入正常模式,直到你努力再按i, i, a, a, o, o, o,我发现这很容易忘记。
Since the keyboards preassigned navigation commands: arrows: UP, DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT and PGUP, PGDN, HOME, END don't do anything special with the key, I found that I might as well map them out in .vimrc to help my navigation within insert-mode, while staying within insert-mode. And, to reiterate, its helpful to me because I work with very long text documents that have paragraph long logical-lines that span across a lot of visual-lines, and the arrow keys and h,j,k,l don't acknowledge the visual-lines. This fixes that particular problem, both within insert-mode and normal-mode.
我把这归功于我在Kim Schulz的HACKING VIM 7.2一书中找到的知识