

lazy()是一个接受lambda并返回lazy <T>实例的函数,它可以作为实现lazy属性的委托:第一次调用get()执行传递给lazy()的lambda并记住结果,后续调用get()只返回记住的结果。 例子 公共类Hello { val myLazyString:通过lazy {"Hello"} }



Normally, properties declared as having a non-null type must be initialized in the constructor. However, fairly often this is not convenient. For example, properties can be initialized through dependency injection, or in the setup method of a unit test. In this case, you cannot supply a non-null initializer in the constructor, but you still want to avoid null checks when referencing the property inside the body of a class. To handle this case, you can mark the property with the lateinit modifier: public class MyTest { lateinit var subject: TestSubject @SetUp fun setup() { subject = TestSubject() } @Test fun test() { subject.method() } } The modifier can only be used on var properties declared inside the body of a class (not in the primary constructor), and only when the property does not have a custom getter or setter. The type of the property must be non-null, and it must not be a primitive type.



下面是lateinit var和by lazy{…}委托的属性:

lazy { ... } delegate can only be used for val properties, whereas lateinit can only be applied to vars, because it can't be compiled to a final field, thus no immutability can be guaranteed; lateinit var has a backing field which stores the value, and by lazy { ... } creates a delegate object in which the value is stored once calculated, stores the reference to the delegate instance in the class object and generates the getter for the property that works with the delegate instance. So if you need the backing field present in the class, use lateinit; In addition to vals, lateinit cannot be used for nullable properties or Java primitive types (this is because of null used for uninitialized value); lateinit var can be initialized from anywhere the object is seen from, e.g. from inside a framework code, and multiple initialization scenarios are possible for different objects of a single class. by lazy { ... }, in turn, defines the only initializer for the property, which can be altered only by overriding the property in a subclass. If you want your property to be initialized from outside in a way probably unknown beforehand, use lateinit. Initialization by lazy { ... } is thread-safe by default and guarantees that the initializer is invoked at most once (but this can be altered by using another lazy overload). In the case of lateinit var, it's up to the user's code to initialize the property correctly in multi-threaded environments. A Lazy instance can be saved, passed around and even used for multiple properties. On contrary, lateinit vars do not store any additional runtime state (only null in the field for uninitialized value). If you hold a reference to an instance of Lazy, isInitialized() allows you to check whether it has already been initialized (and you can obtain such instance with reflection from a delegated property). To check whether a lateinit property has been initialized, you can use property::isInitialized since Kotlin 1.2. A lambda passed to by lazy { ... } may capture references from the context where it is used into its closure.. It will then store the references and release them only once the property has been initialized. This may lead to object hierarchies, such as Android activities, not being released for too long (or ever, if the property remains accessible and is never accessed), so you should be careful about what you use inside the initializer lambda.










private lateinit var value: MyClass

fun init(externalProperties: Any) {
   value = somethingThatDependsOn(externalProperties)



    lateinit var myBean: MyBean

Everything is correct above, but one of facts simple explanation LAZY----There are cases when you want to delay the creation of an instance of your object until its first usage. This technique is known as lazy initialization or lazy instantiation. The main purpose of lazy initialization is to boost performance and reduce your memory footprint. If instantiating an instance of your type carries a large computational cost and the program might end up not actually using it, you would want to delay or even avoid wasting CPU cycles.




lateinit var name: String //允许为非空




延迟初始化是为了防止不必要的对象初始化。 除非你使用你的变量,否则它不会被初始化。 它只初始化一次。下次使用它时,将从缓存中获取值。 它是线程安全的。 变量只能为val且不可为空。
