
在Django 1.9中更改: On_delete现在可以用作第二个位置参数(以前它通常只作为关键字参数传递)。它将是Django 2.0中必须的参数。


from django.db import models

class Car(models.Model):
    manufacturer = models.ForeignKey(
    # ...

class Manufacturer(models.Model):
    # ...
















class City(models.Model):
    # define model fields for a city

class Property(models.Model):
    city = models.ForeignKey(City, on_delete = models.CASCADE)
    # define model fields for a property



For example, some applications have a field "deleted" which is 0 or 1. And all their searches and list views etc, anything that can appear in reports or anywhere the user can access it from the front end, exclude anything that is deleted == 1. However, if you create a custom report or a custom query to pull down a list of records that were deleted and even more so to see when it was last modified (another field) and by whom (i.e. who deleted it and when)..that is very advantageous from the executive standpoint.

不要忘记,对于这些记录,您可以恢复意外删除,只需删除= 0即可。


on_delete方法用于告诉Django如何处理依赖于你删除的模型实例的模型实例。(例如一个ForeignKey关系)。on_delete =模型。CASCADE告诉Django级联删除效果,即继续删除依赖模型。

Here's a more concrete example. Assume you have an Author model that is a ForeignKey in a Book model. Now, if you delete an instance of the Author model, Django would not know what to do with instances of the Book model that depend on that instance of Author model. The on_delete method tells Django what to do in that case. Setting on_delete=models.CASCADE will instruct Django to cascade the deleting effect i.e. delete all the Book model instances that depend on the Author model instance you deleted.

注意:on_delete将在Django 2.0中成为必选参数。在旧版本中,它默认为CASCADE。


使用CASCADE实际上意味着告诉Django删除引用的记录。 当一个“问题”被删除时,它也会删除这个问题的选项。

问:你是怎么知道我们公司的? (选择:1。朋友2。电视广告搜索引擎4。电子邮件推广)

当您删除这个问题时,它也会从表中删除所有这四个选项。 注意它流动的方向。 你不需要输入on_delete=models。问题级联模型把它放在选择中。

from django.db import models

class Question(models.Model):
    question_text = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    pub_date = models.dateTimeField('date_published')

class Choice(models.Model):
    question = models.ForeignKey(Question, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    choice_text = models.CharField(max_legth=200)
    votes = models.IntegerField(default=0)



CASCADE: When the referenced object is deleted, also delete the objects that have references to it (when you remove a blog post for instance, you might want to delete comments as well). SQL equivalent: CASCADE. PROTECT: Forbid the deletion of the referenced object. To delete it you will have to delete all objects that reference it manually. SQL equivalent: RESTRICT. RESTRICT: (introduced in Django 3.1) Similar behavior as PROTECT that matches SQL's RESTRICT more accurately. (See django documentation example) SET_NULL: Set the reference to NULL (requires the field to be nullable). For instance, when you delete a User, you might want to keep the comments he posted on blog posts, but say it was posted by an anonymous (or deleted) user. SQL equivalent: SET NULL. SET_DEFAULT: Set the default value. SQL equivalent: SET DEFAULT. SET(...): Set a given value. This one is not part of the SQL standard and is entirely handled by Django. DO_NOTHING: Probably a very bad idea since this would create integrity issues in your database (referencing an object that actually doesn't exist). SQL equivalent: NO ACTION. (2)






In your database, a foreign key is basically represented by an integer field which value is the primary key of the foreign object. Let's say you have an entry comment_A, which has a foreign key to an entry article_B. If you delete the entry comment_A, everything is fine. article_B used to live without comment_A and don't bother if it's deleted. However, if you delete article_B, then comment_A panics! It never lived without article_B and needs it, it's part of its attributes (article=article_B, but what is article_B???). This is where on_delete steps in, to determine how to resolve this integrity error, either by saying:

“不!拜托!不!我不能没有你!”(在Django/SQL中是PROTECT或RESTRICT) “好吧,如果我不是你的,那我就不是任何人的”(SET_NULL) “再见世界,我不能没有article_B”然后自杀(这是CASCADE行为)。 “没关系,我有一个备用情人,我将从现在开始引用article_C”(SET_DEFAULT,甚至SET(…))。 “我无法面对现实,我会一直叫你的名字,即使那是我唯一剩下的东西!”(DO_NOTHING)






Use PROTECT when your FK is pointing to a look-up table that really shouldn't be changing and that certainly should not cause your table to change. If anyone tries to delete an entry on that look-up table, PROTECT prevents them from deleting it if it is tied to any records. It also prevents Django from deleting your record just because it deleted an entry on a look-up table. This last part is critical. If someone were to delete the gender "Female" from my Gender table, I CERTAINLY would NOT want that to instantly delete any and all people I had in my Person table who had that gender. Use CASCADE when your FK is pointing to a "parent" record. So, if a Person can have many PersonEthnicity entries (he/she can be American Indian, Black, and White), and that Person is deleted, I really would want any "child" PersonEthnicity entries to be deleted. They are irrelevant without the Person. Use SET_NULL when you do want people to be allowed to delete an entry on a look-up table, but you still want to preserve your record. For example, if a Person can have a HighSchool, but it doesn't really matter to me if that high-school goes away on my look-up table, I would say on_delete=SET_NULL. This would leave my Person record out there; it just would just set the high-school FK on my Person to null. Obviously, you will have to allow null=True on that FK.


class PurchPurchaseAccount(models.Model):
    id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
    purchase = models.ForeignKey(PurchPurchase, null=True, db_column='purchase', blank=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE) # If "parent" rec gone, delete "child" rec!!!
    paid_from_acct = models.ForeignKey(PurchPaidFromAcct, null=True, db_column='paid_from_acct', blank=True, on_delete=models.PROTECT) # Disallow lookup deletion & do not delete this rec.
    _updated = models.DateTimeField()
    _updatedby = models.ForeignKey(Person, null=True, db_column='_updatedby', blank=True, related_name='acctupdated_by', on_delete=models.SET_NULL) # Person records shouldn't be deleted, but if they are, preserve this PurchPurchaseAccount entry, and just set this person to null.

    def __unicode__(self):
        return str(self.paid_from_acct.display)
    class Meta:
        db_table = u'purch_purchase_account'


