大量(100+)小型(10Mb-100Mb, 1000-100000个文档)搜索索引。 它们被很多应用程序(微服务)使用 每个应用程序可以使用多个索引 小尺寸指数,是的。但是巨大的负载(每秒数百个搜索请求)和复杂的请求(多个聚合、条件等) 不允许停机 所有这些都是持续多年的工作,并不断增长。
突破性的改变太酷了! (注意:想象一下SQL-server需要你在所有sql语句中做小的改变,当升级时…真不敢想象。但对于ES来说是正常的)
将在下一个主要版本中删除的弃用是如此性感! (注意:你知道,Java包含一些过时的东西,已经有20多年的历史了,但在实际的Java版本中仍然可以工作…)
客户端API将不向后兼容。索引设置将不向后兼容。 在升级ES的同时升级所有应用/服务是不现实的。
为了适应这一点,你需要不断地在……您的应用程序/服务与ES未来版本的向前兼容性。 或者,您需要在应用程序/服务和ES之间构建某种中间件(无论如何都要不断地支持),从而为您提供兼容的客户机API。 (而且,您不能使用Transport Client(因为每次小版本ES升级都需要升级jar),这并没有使您的生活更轻松)
它看起来简单便宜吗?不,不是。远非如此。 对基于ES的复杂基础设施的持续维护,无论如何都是昂贵的。
第二。 简单的API ?嗯…没有真的。 当你真的在使用复杂的条件和聚合....带有5个嵌套级别的JSON-request是什么,但并不简单。
注意: Sphinxsearch/Manticore确实很有趣。它不是基于Lucine的,结果严重不同。包含几个独特的功能,从盒子,ES没有和疯狂的快速与小/中等大小的索引。
Apache Solr和ElasticSearch之间有很多比较,所以我将引用我自己认为最有用的,即涵盖最重要的方面:
Bob Yoplait already linked kimchy's answer to ElasticSearch, Sphinx, Lucene, Solr, Xapian. Which fits for which usage?, which summarizes the reasons why he went ahead and created ElasticSearch, which in his opinion provides a much superior distributed model and ease of use in comparison to Solr. Ryan Sonnek's Realtime Search: Solr vs Elasticsearch provides an insightful analysis/comparison and explains why he switched from Solr to ElasticSeach, despite being a happy Solr user already - he summarizes this as follows: Solr may be the weapon of choice when building standard search applications, but Elasticsearch takes it to the next level with an architecture for creating modern realtime search applications. Percolation is an exciting and innovative feature that singlehandedly blows Solr right out of the water. Elasticsearch is scalable, speedy and a dream to integrate with. Adios Solr, it was nice knowing you. [emphasis mine] The Wikipedia article on ElasticSearch quotes a comparison from the reputed German iX magazine, listing advantages and disadvantages, which pretty much summarize what has been said above already: Advantages: ElasticSearch is distributed. No separate project required. Replicas are near real-time too, which is called "Push replication". ElasticSearch fully supports the near real-time search of Apache Lucene. Handling multitenancy is not a special configuration, where with Solr a more advanced setup is necessary. ElasticSearch introduces the concept of the Gateway, which makes full backups easier. Disadvantages: Only one main developer [not applicable anymore according to the current elasticsearch GitHub organization, besides having a pretty active committer base in the first place] No autowarming feature [not applicable anymore according to the new Index Warmup API]
Apache Solr - Apache Solr offers Lucene's capabilities in an easy to use, fast search server with additional features like faceting, scalability and much more Amazon ElastiCache - Amazon ElastiCache is a web service that makes it easy to deploy, operate, and scale an in-memory cache in the cloud. Please note that Amazon ElastiCache is protocol-compliant with Memcached, a widely adopted memory object caching system, so code, applications, and popular tools that you use today with existing Memcached environments will work seamlessly with the service (see Memcached for details).
ElasticSearch -这是一个开源(Apache 2)、分布式、RESTful的搜索引擎,建立在Apache Lucene之上。 Amazon CloudSearch—Amazon CloudSearch是一个完全托管的云搜索服务,允许客户轻松地将快速和高度可扩展的搜索功能集成到他们的应用程序中。
Solr和ElasticSearch的产品乍听起来非常相似,并且都使用相同的后端搜索引擎,即Apache Lucene。
因此,将ElasticSearch与最近推出的Amazon CloudSearch进行比较可能是最有用的(参见介绍性文章Start Searching in One Hour for Less Than 100 $ / Month),因为两者都声称在原则上涵盖相同的用例。
Community: Solr has a bigger, more mature user, dev, and contributor community. ES has a smaller, but active community of users and a growing community of contributors Maturity: Solr is more mature, but ES has grown rapidly and I consider it stable Performance: hard to judge. I/we have not done direct performance benchmarks. A person at LinkedIn did compare Solr vs. ES vs. Sensei once, but the initial results should be ignored because they used non-expert setup for both Solr and ES. Design: People love Solr. The Java API is somewhat verbose, but people like how it's put together. Solr code is unfortunately not always very pretty. Also, ES has sharding, real-time replication, document and routing built-in. While some of this exists in Solr, too, it feels a bit like an after-thought. Support: there are companies providing tech and consulting support for both Solr and ElasticSearch. I think the only company that provides support for both is Sematext (disclosure: I'm Sematext founder) Scalability: both can be scaled to very large clusters. ES is easier to scale than pre-Solr 4.0 version of Solr, but with Solr 4.0 that's no longer the case.
有关Solr vs. ElasticSearch主题的更全面报道,请查看https://sematext.com/blog/solr-vs-elasticsearch-part-1-overview/。这是Sematext系列文章中的第一篇,对Solr和ElasticSearch进行了直接和中立的比较。披露:我在Sematext工作。
我一直致力于。net应用程序的solr和弹性搜索。 我所面临的主要不同是
更多的代码和更少的配置,但有api的改变 但仍然是一个代码更改 对于复杂类型,类型中类型即嵌套类型(在solr中无法实现)
代码更少,配置更多,因此维护更少 用于在查询期间对结果进行分组(在 弹性搜索,简而言之,没有直接的方法)