Type mismatch.
Required: Editable
Found: String
String name = "Paramjeet"
val nametxt = findViewById (R.id.nametxt) as EditText
nametxt.text = name
Type mismatch.
Required: Editable
Found: String
String name = "Paramjeet"
val nametxt = findViewById (R.id.nametxt) as EditText
nametxt.text = name
尝试使用nametxt。职位:nametxt.post ({nametxt。setText(“文本”)})
setText(String),所以你必须setText你的字符串到editText,所以在你的情况下是:nametext .setText(name)
我在我的项目中也有同样的问题,我给你一个例子,展示了如何检索和设置Kotlin布局中的数据: 有一个按钮save_button和两个文本编辑字段edit_name和edit_password。
//when cliquing on the button 'save_button'
save_button.setOnClickListener {
// geting the value from the two fields by using .text.toString()
val email = edit_name.text.toString()
val password = edit_password.text.toString()
// showing the result on the systeme's log
Log.d("Main activity","your email is " + email )
Log.d("Main activity", "your password is $password" )
// Then shows these values into the text view palete using .setText()
text_view.setText("$email " + "$password")
Methods that follow the Java conventions for getters and setters (no-argument methods with names starting with get and single-argument methods with names starting with set) are represented as properties in Kotlin. But, While generating a property for a Java getter/setter pair Kotlin at first looks for a getter. The getter is enough to infer the type of property from the type of the getter. On the other hand, the property will not be created if only a setter is present( because Kotlin does not support set-only properties at this time ) .
当setter开始发挥作用时,属性生成过程变得有点模糊。原因是getter和setter可能有不同的类型。此外,getter和/或setter可以在子类中被重写, 这正是android中的EditText的情况。
在上面的例子中,Android TextView类包含一个getter
CharSequence getText()
和一个setter void
如果我有一个变量类型的TextView我的代码会工作得很好。 但是我使用了EditText类,它包含一个重写的getter
Editable getText()
在为Java getter和setter方法生成kotlin属性时,JetBrains似乎忘记了指定getter方法的主要作用。无论如何,我已经通过github向Jet brains kotlin网站提交了拉请求。
我在这篇文章中也详细介绍了上述问题,Kotlin如何从Java getter和setter生成属性(Jetbrains未记录)
val editable = Editable.Factory.getInstance().newEditable(savedString)
editText.text = editable
尝试使用nametxt。职位:nametxt.post ({nametxt。setText(“文本”)})