

extension T[] : ArrayType {

    var count: Int { get }

    var capacity: Int { get }

    var isEmpty: Bool { get }

    func copy() -> T[]


extension T[] : ArrayType {
    func foo(){}

extension T[] {
    func foo(){}




extension Array<T> {
    func foo(){}

当Array<T: Any>和Array<String>时也会失败。


extension Array {
    func each(fn: (Any) -> ()) {
        for i in self {




extension Array {
    func find<T>(fn: (T) -> Bool) -> T[] {
        var to = T[]()
        for x in self {
            let t = x as T
            if fn(t) {
                to += t
        return to


["A","B","C"].find { $0 > "A" }


["A","B","C"].find { ($0 as String).compare("A") > 0 }



对于用类扩展类型化数组,下面的方法适合我(Swift 2.2)。例如,对类型化数组排序:

class HighScoreEntry {
    let score:Int

extension Array where Element == HighScoreEntry {
    func sort() -> [HighScoreEntry] {
      return sort { $0.score < $1.score }


Type 'Element' constrained to a non-protocol type 'HighScoreEntry'



typealias HighScoreEntry = (Int)

extension SequenceType where Generator.Element == HighScoreEntry {
    func sort() -> [HighScoreEntry] {
      return sort { $0 < $1 }

在Swift 3中,一些类型被重命名:

extension Sequence where Iterator.Element == HighScoreEntry 
    // ...


(迅速2. x)




/* Used as type constraint for Generator.Element */
protocol MyTypes {
    var intValue: Int { get }
    init(_ value: Int)
    func *(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
    func +=(inout lhs: Self, rhs: Self)

extension Int : MyTypes { var intValue: Int { return self } }
extension Double : MyTypes { var intValue: Int { return Int(self) } }
    // ...

/* Custom type conforming to MyTypes type constraint */
struct MyCustomType : MyTypes {
    var myInt : Int? = 0
    var intValue: Int {
        return myInt ?? 0

    init(_ value: Int) {
        myInt = value

func *(lhs: MyCustomType, rhs: MyCustomType) -> MyCustomType {
    return MyCustomType(lhs.intValue * rhs.intValue)

func +=(inout lhs: MyCustomType, rhs: MyCustomType) {
    lhs.myInt = (lhs.myInt ?? 0) + (rhs.myInt ?? 0)


/* Protocol holding our function utilities, to be used as extension 
   o Array: blueprints for utility methods where Generator.Element 
   is constrained to MyTypes */
protocol MyFunctionalUtils {
    func foo<T: MyTypes>(a: [T]) -> Int?
        // ...

/* Extend array by protocol MyFunctionalUtils and implement blue-prints 
   therein for conformance */
extension Array : MyFunctionalUtils {
    func foo<T: MyTypes>(a: [T]) -> Int? {
        /* [T] is Self? proceed, otherwise return nil */
        if let b = self.first {
            if b is T && self.count == a.count {
                var myMultSum: T = T(0)

                for (i, sElem) in self.enumerate() {
                    myMultSum += (sElem as! T) * a[i]
                return myMultSum.intValue
        return nil


显示隐式断言数组参数符合协议'MyFunctionalUtils',通过类型约束数组元素为'MyTypes'(函数bar1)。 显式显示数组参数符合协议'MyFunctionalUtils'(函数bar2)。


/* Tests & examples */
let arr1d : [Double] = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
let arr2d : [Double] = [-3.0, -2.0, 1.0]

let arr1my : [MyCustomType] = [MyCustomType(1), MyCustomType(2), MyCustomType(3)]
let arr2my : [MyCustomType] = [MyCustomType(-3), MyCustomType(-2), MyCustomType(1)]

    /* constrain array elements to MyTypes, hence _implicitly_ constraining
       array parameters to protocol MyFunctionalUtils. However, this
       conformance is not apparent just by looking at the function signature... */
func bar1<U: MyTypes> (arr1: [U], _ arr2: [U]) -> Int? {
    return arr1.foo(arr2)
let myInt1d = bar1(arr1d, arr2d) // -4, OK
let myInt1my = bar1(arr1my, arr2my) // -4, OK

    /* constrain the array itself to protocol MyFunctionalUtils; here, we
       see directly in the function signature that conformance to
       MyFunctionalUtils is given for valid array parameters */
func bar2<T: MyTypes, U: protocol<MyFunctionalUtils, _ArrayType> where U.Generator.Element == T> (arr1: U, _ arr2: U) -> Int? {

    // OK, type U behaves as array type with elements T (=MyTypes)
    var a = arr1
    var b = arr2
    a.append(T(2)) // add 2*7 to multsum

    return a.foo(Array(b))
        /* Ok! */
let myInt2d = bar2(arr1d, arr2d) // 10, OK
let myInt2my = bar2(arr1my, arr2my) // 10, OK


extension Array {
    func find(fn: (T) -> Bool) -> [T] {
        var to = [T]()
        for x in self {
            let t = x as T;
            if fn(t) {
                to += t
        return to


["A","B","C"].find { $0.compare("A") > 0 }
import Foundation

extension Array {

    func calculateMean() -> Double {
        // is this an array of Doubles?
        if self.first is Double {
            // cast from "generic" array to typed array of Doubles
            let doubleArray = self.map { $0 as! Double }

            // use Swift "reduce" function to add all values together
            let total = doubleArray.reduce(0.0, combine: {$0 + $1})

            let meanAvg = total / Double(self.count)
            return meanAvg

        } else {
            return Double.NaN

    func calculateMedian() -> Double {
        // is this an array of Doubles?
        if self.first is Double {
            // cast from "generic" array to typed array of Doubles
            var doubleArray = self.map { $0 as! Double }

            // sort the array
            doubleArray.sort( {$0 < $1} )

            var medianAvg : Double
            if doubleArray.count % 2 == 0 {
                // if even number of elements - then mean average the middle two elements
                var halfway = doubleArray.count / 2
                medianAvg = (doubleArray[halfway] + doubleArray[halfway - 1]) / 2

            } else {
                // odd number of elements - then just use the middle element
                medianAvg = doubleArray[doubleArray.count  / 2 ]
            return medianAvg
        } else {
            return Double.NaN



我看了一下Swift 2标准库的头文件,这里是过滤器函数的原型,这使得如何滚动您自己的头文件变得非常明显。

extension CollectionType {
    func filter(@noescape includeElement: (Self.Generator.Element) -> Bool) -> [Self.Generator.Element]



extension CollectionType {

    func mapfilter<T>(@noescape transform: (Self.Generator.Element) -> T?) -> [T] {
        var result: [T] = []
        for x in self {
            if let t = transform (x) {
                result.append (t)
        return result

如果你想了解扩展数组和其他类型的内置类的签出代码在这个github repo https://github.com/ankurp/Cent

从Xcode 6.1开始,扩展数组的语法如下所示

extension Array {
    func at(indexes: Int...) -> [Element] {
        ... // You code goes herer