
我正在尝试实现Ember Auth Rails演示,但我不理解使用Ember Auth FAQ中关于“为什么token身份验证?”的问题所描述的令牌身份验证背后的原因。




Asynchrony is required. For example, you want the client to send in a request, and then store that request somewhere, to be acted on by a separate system "later". That separate system will not have a synchronous connection to the client, and it may not have a direct connection to a central token dispensary. a JWT can be read by the asynchronous processing system to determine whether the work item can and should be fulfilled at that later time. This is, in a way, related to the Federation idea above. Be careful here, though: JWT expire. If the queue holding the work item does not get processed within the lifetime of the JWT, then the claims should no longer be trusted.





Asynchrony is required. For example, you want the client to send in a request, and then store that request somewhere, to be acted on by a separate system "later". That separate system will not have a synchronous connection to the client, and it may not have a direct connection to a central token dispensary. a JWT can be read by the asynchronous processing system to determine whether the work item can and should be fulfilled at that later time. This is, in a way, related to the Federation idea above. Be careful here, though: JWT expire. If the queue holding the work item does not get processed within the lifetime of the JWT, then the claims should no longer be trusted.


A typical web app is mostly stateless, because of its request/response nature. The HTTP protocol is the best example of a stateless protocol. But since most web apps need state, in order to hold the state between server and client, cookies are used such that the server can send a cookie in every response back to the client. This means the next request made from the client will include this cookie and will thus be recognized by the server. This way the server can maintain a session with the stateless client, knowing mostly everything about the app's state, but stored in the server. In this scenario at no moment does the client hold state, which is not how Ember.js works.





在我看来,使用认证令牌而不是在Ember Auth FAQ中所述的cookie的主要原因是Ember.js框架的性质,也因为它更适合有状态的web应用程序范例。因此,cookie机制并不是构建Ember.js应用程序的最佳方法。


我认为这里有些混乱。基于cookie的身份验证与HTML5 Web Storage之间的显著区别在于,浏览器被构建为每当从设置它们的域请求资源时都发送cookie数据。如果不关掉cookie,你无法阻止这种情况。除非页面中的代码发送数据,否则浏览器不会从Web存储发送数据。页面只能访问自己存储的数据,而不能访问其他页面存储的数据。



Tokens need to be stored somewhere (local/session storage or cookies) Tokens can expire like cookies, but you have more control Local/session storage won't work across domains, use a marker cookie Preflight requests will be sent on each CORS request When you need to stream something, use the token to get a signed request It's easier to deal with XSS than XSRF The token gets sent on every request, watch out its size If you store confidential info, encrypt the token JSON Web Tokens can be used in OAuth Tokens are not silver bullets, think about your authorization use cases carefully




JWT vs Cookie Auth

|                    | Cookie        | JWT                             |
| Stateless          | No            | Yes                             |
| Cross domain usage | No            | Yes                             |
| Mobile ready       | No            | Yes                             |
| Performance        | Low           | High (no need in request to DB) |
| Add to request     | Automatically | Manually (if not in cookie)     |