public static void main(String[] args) {
public static void main(String[] args) {
The static key word in the main method is used because there isn't any instantiation that take place in the main method. But object is constructed rather than invocation as a result we use the static key word in the main method. In jvm context memory is created when class loads into it.And all static members are present in that memory. if we make the main static now it will be in memory and can be accessible to jvm (class.main(..)) so we can call the main method with out need of even need for heap been created.
public static void main(String args[])是什么意思?
public is an access specifier meaning anyone can access/invoke it such as JVM(Java Virtual Machine. static allows main() to be called before an object of the class has been created. This is neccesary because main() is called by the JVM before any objects are made. Since it is static it can be directly invoked via the class. class demo { private int length; private static int breadth; void output(){ length=5; System.out.println(length); } static void staticOutput(){ breadth=10; System.out.println(breadth); } public static void main(String args[]){ demo d1=new demo(); d1.output(); // Note here output() function is not static so here // we need to create object staticOutput(); // Note here staticOutput() function is static so here // we needn't to create object Similar is the case with main /* Although: demo.staticOutput(); Works fine d1.staticOutput(); Works fine */ } } Similarly, we use static sometime for user defined methods so that we need not to make objects. void indicates that the main() method being declared does not return a value. String[] args specifies the only parameter in the main() method. args - a parameter which contains an array of objects of class type String.
java ClassName argument1 argument2 ...
-在这一点上,类的对象还没有被创建。 将main声明为静态允许JVM在不创建的情况下调用main 类的实例。
ClassName是JVM的命令行参数,它告诉JVM要执行哪个类。在ClassName之后,您还可以指定一个字符串列表(由空格分隔)作为JVM将传递给应用程序的命令行参数。-这些参数可以用来指定运行应用程序的选项(例如文件名)-这就是为什么在main中有一个名为String[] args的参数