在Visual Studio Code中有办法改变环境字体大小吗?像智能感知框,调试面板,文件名等。



As of mid 2017 To quickly get to the settings files press ctrl + shift + p and enter settings, there you will find the user settings and the workspace settings, be aware that the workspace settings will override the user settings, so it's better to use the latter directly to make it a global change (workspace settings will create a folder in your project root), from there you will have the option to add the option "editor.fontSize": 14 to your settings as a quick suggestion, but you can do it yourself and change the value to your preferred font size.


CTRL + shift + p 选择“用户设置” 添加”编辑器。字形大小”:14


截至目前(2018年3月)和1.21.0版本,您可以进入设置,搜索“缩放”并更改“编辑器”。mouseWheelZoom": false,默认为true。这将允许放大/缩小VS Code使用控制按钮和鼠标- ctrl + scrollUp/scrollDown。要改变VS Code的整体工作空间/屏幕的fontSize,请参考Alegozalves的回答。

As of mid 2017 To quickly get to the settings files press ctrl + shift + p and enter settings, there you will find the user settings and the workspace settings, be aware that the workspace settings will override the user settings, so it's better to use the latter directly to make it a global change (workspace settings will create a folder in your project root), from there you will have the option to add the option "editor.fontSize": 14 to your settings as a quick suggestion, but you can do it yourself and change the value to your preferred font size.


CTRL + shift + p 选择“用户设置” 添加”编辑器。字形大小”:14

同时按Ctrl、Shift、P键,出现菜单,搜索编辑器放大。 选择后,字体会变得更大的程度。



VS Code 1.0版本更新:


只是复制”编辑。fontSize": 18到你的设置。Json的编辑器。
