
        throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: spawn ENOENT
    at errnoException (child_process.js:1000:11)
    at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:791:34)




using spawn function with NODE_ENV=production node.js child_process.spawn ENOENT error - only under supervisord spawn ENOENT node.js error https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27603713/nodejs-spawn-enoent-error-on-travis-calling-global-npm-package Node JS - child_process spawn('npm install') in Grunt task results in ENOENT error Running "foreman" task Fatal error: spawn ENOENT unhandled error event in node js Error: spawn ENOENT at errnoException (child_process.js:975:11) Node.js SpookyJS: error executing hello.js https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26572214/run-grunt-on-a-directory-nodewebkit Run exe file with Child Process NodeJS Node: child_process.spawn not working on Java even though it's in the path (ENOENT) spawn ENOENT error with NodeJS (PYTHON related) image resizing is not working in node.js (partial.js) (non-installed dependency) npm install error ENOENT (build dependency problem) Cannot install node.js - oracle module on Windows 7 (build dependency problem) Error installing gulp using nodejs on windows (strange case)



使用NODE_DEBUG=child_process, Credits to @karl-richter。简单,快速,2019年10月 使用包装器来装饰child_process。刷,积分到@jiaji-zhou。简单,快速,2015年1月 漫长的过程,归功于@laconbass。复杂,时间成本,2014年12月


Environment issues The command executable does not exist within the system (dependency not being installed). see prominc's answer The command executable does not exist within a directory of those specified by PATH environment variable. The executable binary was compiled with uncompatible libraries. see danilo-ramirez answer Windows-only bugs/quirks '.cmd' extension / shell: true. see li-zheng answer Administrator permisions. see steve's answer Wrong spawn('command', ['--argument', 'list'], { cwd, env, ...opts }) usage Specified working directory (opts.cwd) does not exist · see leeroy-brun's answer Argument list within command String spawn('command --wrong --argument list') Env vars within command string spawn('ENV_VAR=WRONG command') Argument list Array specified as String spawn('cmd', '--argument list') Unset PATH env variable spawn('cmd', [], { env: { variable } } => spawn('cmd', [], { env: { ...process.env, variable } }

ENOENT有两种可能的起源: 您正在编写的代码 您依赖的代码 当源代码是你依赖的代码时,通常的原因是环境问题(或windows怪癖)



更具体地说,我有一个使用ImageMagick的NodeJS应用程序。尽管安装了npm包,但核心Linux ImageMagick没有安装。我做了一个apt-get来安装ImageMagick,之后一切都很好!

我也遇到了同样的问题,但我找到了一个简单的解决方法。 如果程序已经被用户添加到PATH(例如,正常的系统命令工作),它似乎是spawn()错误。

要解决这个问题,你可以使用which模块(npm install——save which):

// Require which and child_process
const which = require('which');
const spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
// Find npm in PATH
const npm = which.sync('npm');
// Execute
const noErrorSpawn = spawn(npm, ['install']);




var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;

const isWindows = /^win/.test(process.platform); 

spawn(isWindows ? 'twitter-proxy.cmd' : 'twitter-proxy');
spawn(isWindows ? 'http-server.cmd' : 'http-server');