


    public static string ToAge(this DateTime dob, DateTime? toDate = null)
        if (!toDate.HasValue)
            toDate = DateTime.Now;
        var now = toDate.Value;

        if (now.CompareTo(dob) < 0)
            return "Future date";

        int years = now.Year - dob.Year;
        int months = now.Month - dob.Month;
        int days = now.Day - dob.Day;

        if (days < 0)
            days = DateTime.DaysInMonth(dob.Year, dob.Month) - dob.Day + now.Day;

        if (months < 0)
            months = 12 + months;

        return string.Format("{0} year(s), {1} month(s), {2} days(s)",


    public void ToAgeTests()
        var date = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1);
        Assert.AreEqual("0 year(s), 0 month(s), 1 days(s)", new DateTime(1999, 12, 31).ToAge(date));
        Assert.AreEqual("0 year(s), 0 month(s), 0 days(s)", new DateTime(2000, 1, 1).ToAge(date));
        Assert.AreEqual("1 year(s), 0 month(s), 0 days(s)", new DateTime(1999, 1, 1).ToAge(date));
        Assert.AreEqual("0 year(s), 11 month(s), 0 days(s)", new DateTime(1999, 2, 1).ToAge(date));
        Assert.AreEqual("0 year(s), 10 month(s), 25 days(s)", new DateTime(1999, 2, 4).ToAge(date));
        Assert.AreEqual("0 year(s), 10 month(s), 1 days(s)", new DateTime(1999, 2, 28).ToAge(date));

        date = new DateTime(2000, 2, 15);
        Assert.AreEqual("0 year(s), 0 month(s), 28 days(s)", new DateTime(2000, 1, 18).ToAge(date));



static string CalcAge(DateTime birthDay)
    DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now;         
    int approximateAge = currentDate.Year - birthDay.Year;
    int daysToNextBirthDay = (birthDay.Month * 30 + birthDay.Day) - 
        (currentDate.Month * 30 + currentDate.Day) ;

    if (approximateAge == 0 || approximateAge == 1)
        int month =  Math.Abs(daysToNextBirthDay / 30);
        int days = Math.Abs(daysToNextBirthDay % 30);

        if (month == 0)
            return "Your age is: " + daysToNextBirthDay + " days";

        return "Your age is: " + month + " months and " + days + " days"; ;

    if (daysToNextBirthDay > 0)
        return "Your age is: " + --approximateAge + " Years";

    return "Your age is: " + approximateAge + " Years"; ;
private int GetYearDiff(DateTime start, DateTime end)
    int diff = end.Year - start.Year;
    if (end.DayOfYear < start.DayOfYear) { diff -= 1; }
    return diff;
public void GetYearDiff_WhenCalls_ShouldReturnCorrectYearDiff()
    var now = DateTime.Now;
    Assert.Equal(24, GetYearDiff(new DateTime(1992, 7, 9), now)); // passed
    Assert.Equal(24, GetYearDiff(new DateTime(1992, now.Month, now.Day), now)); // passed
    Assert.Equal(23, GetYearDiff(new DateTime(1992, 12, 9), now)); // passed


public struct Age : IEquatable<Age>, IComparable<Age>
    private readonly int _years;
    private readonly int _months;
    private readonly int _days;

    public int Years  { get { return _years; } }
    public int Months { get { return _months; } }
    public int Days { get { return _days; } }

    public Age( int years, int months, int days ) : this()
        _years = years;
        _months = months;
        _days = days;

    public static Age CalculateAge( DateTime dateOfBirth, DateTime date )
        // Here is some logic that ressembles Mike's solution, although it
        // also takes into account months & days.
        // Ommitted for brevity.
        return new Age (years, months, days);

    // Ommited Equality, Comparable, GetHashCode, functionality for brevity.


public string LoopAge(DateTime myDOB, DateTime FutureDate)
    int years = 0;
    int months = 0;
    int days = 0;

    DateTime tmpMyDOB = new DateTime(myDOB.Year, myDOB.Month, 1);

    DateTime tmpFutureDate = new DateTime(FutureDate.Year, FutureDate.Month, 1);

    while (tmpMyDOB.AddYears(years).AddMonths(months) < tmpFutureDate)
        if (months > 12)
            months = months - 12;

    if (FutureDate.Day >= myDOB.Day)
        days = days + FutureDate.Day - myDOB.Day;
        if (months < 0)
            months = months + 12;
        days = days + (DateTime.DaysInMonth(FutureDate.AddMonths(-1).Year, FutureDate.AddMonths(-1).Month) + FutureDate.Day) - myDOB.Day;


    //add an extra day if the dob is a leap day
    if (DateTime.IsLeapYear(myDOB.Year) && myDOB.Month == 2 && myDOB.Day == 29)
        //but only if the future date is less than 1st March
        if(FutureDate >= new DateTime(FutureDate.Year, 3,1))

    return "Years: " + years + " Months: " + months + " Days: " + days;
private int GetAge(int _year, int _month, int _day
    DateTime yourBirthDate= new DateTime(_year, _month, _day);

    DateTime todaysDateTime = DateTime.Today;
    int noOfYears = todaysDateTime.Year - yourBirthDate.Year;

    if (DateTime.Now.Month < yourBirthDate.Month ||
        (DateTime.Now.Month == yourBirthDate.Month && DateTime.Now.Day < yourBirthDate.Day))

    return  noOfYears;