
这是出自Eric Evans的《领域驱动设计》一书,还是来自其他地方?








But wait! Repository also refers to the persistence layer, as in the Repository Pattern. In a better world an Eric Evans' Repository and the Repository Pattern would have separate names, because they tend to overlap quite a bit. To get the repository pattern you have contrast with other ways in which data is accessed, with a service bus or an event model system. Usually when you get to this level, the Eric Evans' Repository definition goes by the way side and you start talking about a bounded context. Each bounded context is essentially its own application. You might have a sophisticated approval system for getting things into the product catalog. In your original design the product was the center piece but in this bounded context the product catalog is. You still might access product information and update product via a service bus, but you must realize that a product catalog outside the bounded context might mean something completely different.

Back to your original question. If you're accessing a repository from within an entity it means the entity is really not a business entity but probably something that should exist in a service layer. This is because entities are business object and should concern themselves with being as much like a DSL (domain specific language) as possible. Only have business information in this layer. If you're troubleshooting a performance issue, you'll know to look elsewhere since only business information should be here. If suddenly, you have application issues here, you're making it very hard to extend and maintain an application, which is really the heart of DDD: making maintainable software.


But let's talk about more complicated validation rules. Let's say you're Amazon.com. Have you ever ordered something with an expired credit card? I have, where I haven't updated the card and bought something. It accepts the order and the UI informs me that everything is peachy. About 15 minutes later, I'll get an e-mail saying there's a problem with my order, my credit card is invalid. What's happening here is that, ideally, there's some regex validation in the domain layer. Is this a correct credit card number? If yes, persist the order. However, there's additional validation at the application tasks layer, where an external service is queried to see if payment can be made on the credit card. If not, don't actually ship anything, suspend the order and wait for the customer. This should all take place in a service layer.




We should know our intentions in a request and what we want from the domain, therefore we can make repository calls before constructing or invoking Aggregate behavior. This also helps avoid the problem of inconsistent in-memory state and the need for lazy loading (see this article). The smell is that you cannot create an in memory instance of your entity anymore without worrying about data access. CQS can help reduce the need for wanting to call the repository for things in our entities. We can use a specification to encapsulate and communicate domain logic needs and pass that to the repository instead (a service can orchestrate these things for us). The specification can come from the entity that is in charge of maintaining that invariant. The repository will interpret parts of the specification into it's own query implementation and apply rules from the specification on query results. This aims to keep domain logic in the domain layer. It also serves the Ubiquitous Language and communication better. Imagine saying "overdue order specification" versus saying "filter order from tbl_order where placed_at is less than 30 minutes before sysdate" (see this answer). It makes reasoning about the behavior of entities more difficult since the Single-Responsibility Principle is violated. If you need to work out storage/persistence issues you know where to go and where not to go. It avoids the danger of giving an entity bi-directional access to global state (via the repository and domain services). You also don't want to break your transaction boundary.

据我所知,Vernon Vaughn在红皮书《实现领域驱动设计》中有两个地方提到了这个问题(注意:这本书完全得到了Evans的支持,你可以在前言中读到)。在第7章关于服务的章节中,他使用域服务和规范来解决聚合使用存储库和另一个聚合来确定用户是否经过身份验证的需求。引用他的话说:

根据经验,我们应该尽量避免使用存储库 (12)从聚合体内部,如果可能的话。



通过标识引用并不完全阻止导航通过 该模型。有些人会在聚合中使用存储库(12) 查找。这种技术称为断开域模型 它实际上是惰性加载的一种形式。有一个不同的建议 但是,方法是:使用存储库或域服务(7)来查找 在调用聚合行为之前调用依赖对象。一个客户端 应用服务可以控制这个,然后分派到聚合:


public class ProductBacklogItemService ... { 
    public void assignTeamMemberToTask( 
        String aTenantId, 
        String aBacklogItemId, 
        String aTaskId, 
        String aTeamMemberId) { 

        BacklogItem backlogItem = backlogItemRepository.backlogItemOfId( 
            new TenantId(aTenantId), 
            new BacklogItemId(aBacklogItemId)); 

        Team ofTeam = teamRepository.teamOfId( 

            new TeamMemberId( aTeamMemberId), 
            new TaskId( aTaskId));


然后我和Marco Pivetta @Ocramius进行了一些讨论,他向我展示了一些从域中提取规范并使用它的代码:


$user->mountFriends(); // <-- has a repository call inside that loads friends? 


public function mountYourFriends(MountFriendsCommand $mount) {
    $user = $this->users->get($mount->userId()); 
    $friends = $this->users->findBySpecification($user->getFriendsSpecification()); 
    array_map([$user, 'mount'], $friends); 

这是出自Eric Evans的《领域驱动设计》一书,还是来自其他地方?









使用存储库或域服务提前查找依赖对象 调用聚合行为。客户端应用程序服务可以 控制这个问题。



BUT lets discuss. I think a very valid thought is why should an entity know about how to persist another entity? Important with DDD is that each entity has a responsibility to manage its own "knowledge-sphere" and shouldn't know anything about how to read or write other entities. Sure you can probably just add a repository interface to Entity A for reading Entities B. But the risk is that you expose knowledge for how to persist B. Will entity A also do validation on B before persisting B into db?


