对于用Java 7编写的新应用程序,是否有任何理由再使用Java .io. file对象,或者我们可以认为它已弃用?
对于用Java 7编写的新应用程序,是否有任何理由再使用Java .io. file对象,或者我们可以认为它已弃用?
还有什么理由继续使用java.io.File对象吗 认为它已弃用?
JDK classes are very rarely deprecated. You can see on the the JDK 8 API deprecates list all classes deprecated since the first JDK. It contains only a little part of classes that the Oracle documentation and the Java community discourage to use. java.util.Date, java.util.Vector, java.util.Hashtable... that are classes with so many defects are not deprecated. But why ? Because conceptually something of deprecated means still there but discourage to use as it will very certainly be removed. Thousands of programs rely on these bad designed classes. For such classes, Java API developers will not give such a signal.
所以,我认为你的问题更有意义: “如果我们有选择,我们应该使用java.io.File还是java.nio.file. path进行新开发,如果答案是java.nio.file。Path,你能在遗留项目中使用java.io.File轻松地利用java.io.File吗?”
我相信java.nio.file.Path可以做java.io.File可以做的所有事情 和更多。
Prior to the Java SE 7 release, the java.io.File class was the mechanism used for file I/O, but it had several drawbacks. Many methods didn't throw exceptions when they failed, so it was impossible to obtain a useful error message. For example, if a file deletion failed, the program would receive a "delete fail" but wouldn't know if it was because the file didn't exist, the user didn't have permissions, or there was some other problem. The rename method didn't work consistently across platforms. There was no real support for symbolic links. More support for metadata was desired, such as file permissions, file owner, and other security attributes. Accessing file metadata was inefficient. Many of the File methods didn't scale. Requesting a large directory listing over a server could result in a hang. Large directories could also cause memory resource problems, resulting in a denial of service. It was not possible to write reliable code that could recursively walk a file tree and respond appropriately if there were circular symbolic links.
java.io有这么多缺点。文件,我们真的不需要理由使用这个类进行新的开发。 甚至对于使用java.io的遗留代码。文件,Oracle提示使用路径。
也许您有使用java.io.File的遗留代码,并且希望这样做 充分利用java.nio.file.Path功能 对代码的影响。 file类提供了toPath方法,该方法将一个 File实例转换为java.nio.file.Path实例,如下所示:
Path input = file.toPath();
的丰富特性集 类路径。 例如,假设你有一些删除文件的代码:
Path fp = file.toPath();
不,您不能认为它已弃用,除非在File Javadoc中如此标记。
java.io.File很可能永远不会被弃用/不支持。也就是说,java.nio.file. path是更现代的java.nio.file库的一部分,它能做java.io.File能做的一切,但通常以更好的方式,而且更多。
这个Oracle页面突出了不同之处,并将java.io.File功能映射到java.nio.file lib(包括Path)功能
Janice J. Heiss和Sharon Zakhour的文章,2009年5月,讨论JDK 7中的NIO.2文件系统
对于用Java 7编写的新应用程序,是否有任何理由使用 java.io.File对象是否已经弃用?
还有什么理由继续使用java.io.File对象吗 认为它已弃用?
JDK classes are very rarely deprecated. You can see on the the JDK 8 API deprecates list all classes deprecated since the first JDK. It contains only a little part of classes that the Oracle documentation and the Java community discourage to use. java.util.Date, java.util.Vector, java.util.Hashtable... that are classes with so many defects are not deprecated. But why ? Because conceptually something of deprecated means still there but discourage to use as it will very certainly be removed. Thousands of programs rely on these bad designed classes. For such classes, Java API developers will not give such a signal.
所以,我认为你的问题更有意义: “如果我们有选择,我们应该使用java.io.File还是java.nio.file. path进行新开发,如果答案是java.nio.file。Path,你能在遗留项目中使用java.io.File轻松地利用java.io.File吗?”
我相信java.nio.file.Path可以做java.io.File可以做的所有事情 和更多。
Prior to the Java SE 7 release, the java.io.File class was the mechanism used for file I/O, but it had several drawbacks. Many methods didn't throw exceptions when they failed, so it was impossible to obtain a useful error message. For example, if a file deletion failed, the program would receive a "delete fail" but wouldn't know if it was because the file didn't exist, the user didn't have permissions, or there was some other problem. The rename method didn't work consistently across platforms. There was no real support for symbolic links. More support for metadata was desired, such as file permissions, file owner, and other security attributes. Accessing file metadata was inefficient. Many of the File methods didn't scale. Requesting a large directory listing over a server could result in a hang. Large directories could also cause memory resource problems, resulting in a denial of service. It was not possible to write reliable code that could recursively walk a file tree and respond appropriately if there were circular symbolic links.
java.io有这么多缺点。文件,我们真的不需要理由使用这个类进行新的开发。 甚至对于使用java.io的遗留代码。文件,Oracle提示使用路径。
也许您有使用java.io.File的遗留代码,并且希望这样做 充分利用java.nio.file.Path功能 对代码的影响。 file类提供了toPath方法,该方法将一个 File实例转换为java.nio.file.Path实例,如下所示:
Path input = file.toPath();
的丰富特性集 类路径。 例如,假设你有一些删除文件的代码:
Path fp = file.toPath();