2024-10-03 08:00:04


我正在尝试在我全新的Nexus 10上安装一个Android应用程序。我有一个。apk文件。我下载了Android SDK,安装了“Android SDK Tools”,“Android SDK Platform-tools”和谷歌USB Driver。我已经在我的Nexus 10上检查了“未知来源”的设置。

当我从命令终端运行“adb devices”时,它不会列出任何设备。我试图遵循这个建议,因为它与我之前在Stack Overflow上找到的建议完全相同。在执行这些步骤之后,“adb devices”仍然返回一个空列表,更糟糕的是,当我将Nexus 10连接到我的PC时,Windows不会显示设备内的任何文件夹。

我已经取消了该链接中的步骤,以及迄今为止我所做的所有其他操作,还从设备管理器中卸载了我的Nexus 10并重新安装了它,但我仍然没有在设备中看到任何文件夹。






对于我的Nexus 6P来说,从谷歌下载驱动程序帮助解决了这个问题。下面是带有文档的URL。在这里你可以下载驱动程序本身。


我有一部摩托罗拉Razr手机,但我很难识别我的设备。 我所做的是:

1 -从命令提示符(作为管理员)-> adb kill-servers

2 -下载摩托罗拉设备管理器这里-> https://motorola-global-portal.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/88481

3 -我一直等到安装完成。

4 -从命令提示符(管理员)-> adb设备



打开USB调试开关。 执行到设备管理器,右键单击ADB设备,然后单击更新驱动程序软件。 选择“浏览我的计算机以获取驱动程序软件” 选择“让我从计算机上的设备驱动程序列表中选择” 点击“拥有磁盘”选项。 选择驱动路径**android-sdk-windows\extras\谷歌\usb_driver** (sdk路径) 7.从显示的车手列表中选择第一个车手。


For the Blu Studio 5.5s ADB drivers, you have to go through this hoop. I am certain it is the same with all Blu phones or maybe for all non-Google mfg phones, I am not sure. First of all if you connect the Blu device with USB cable and USB Debuggin off, you will see that Windows 7 loads a generic driver for you to copy on/off files to the phone and SD storage. This will appear when the USB cable is first plugged in and appears as a device icon under Control Panel, Device Manager, Portable Devices, BLU STUDIO 5.5 S (or the device you are working with). Do not bother getting the hardware ID yet - just observe that this happens (which indicates you are good so far and don't have a bad cable or something).

Go to the phone and switch on USB Debugging in the Developer section of your phone. Notice that an additional item appears as an undefined device now in the device manager list, it will have the yellow exclamation mark and it may have the same name of the phone listed as you saw under Portable Devices. Ignore this item for the moment. Now, without doing anything to the phone (it should be already in USB debug mode) go back to the Portable Devices in Device Manager and right-click the BLU STUDIO 5.5 S or whatever phone you are working with that is listed there without the exclamation mark (listed under Portable Devices). Right click on the icon under Portable Devices, in this example the name that appears is BLU STUDIO 5.5 S. On that icon select Properties, Details, and under the pull down, select Hardware IDs and copy down what you see.

对于BLU STUDIO 5.5 S,我得到:


(注意,如果你不按顺序这样做,HW ID将与手机USB调试关闭时不同。你想复制的值,它改变时,USB调试是ON)

现在按照上面的说明进行操作,当然要定制添加INF文件的行,使用与您自己的手机相关的行,而不是与Nexus 10相关的行。下面是要定制的内容;当你下载SDK时,你应该有一个从ZIP扩展而来的文件结构,如下所示:


找到名为android_winusb的文件。usb_driver文件夹中的Inf 复制它并命名为任何名称,比如myname.inf 编辑myname。Inf和添加行如上所述,只修改为您的特定电话。例如,对于BLU STUDIO 5.5 S,我根据提示在2个位置添加了以下2行。

%SingleAdbInterface%        = USB_Install, USB\VID_0BB4&PID_0C02&REV_0216&MI_00
%CompositeAdbInterface%     = USB_Install, USB\VID_0BB4&PID_0C02&MI_00


Now go back up to the unknown device that appeared in Device Manager when you switched on device USB debugging and right click on this item (has yellow exclamation mark), right click on it and then select Update Driver Software, and then Browse My Computer, Let Me Pick, click on the Have Disk button and browse to find the myname.inf. Continue to agree to all the prompts warning you it might not be the right driver. As the final step, Windows should have identified the device as Android ADB Interface and once that is done, you should be able to go back, open your CMD window and run the command "adb devices" as instructed in this tutorial and now you should see that the phone is now discovered and communicating.



此外,在进入Android SDK的平台工具文件夹后运行“adb devices”(除非你的系统路径上已经有这个文件夹),否则该命令将无法找到。