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我假设您希望在不使用HTML转PDF方法的情况下尽可能多地控制打印窗口……使用@media屏幕调试- @media打印最终的css


@media screen and (max-width:8.5in) { /* resize your window until the event is triggered */
    html { width:8.5in; }
    body { font: 9pt/1.5 Arial, sans-serif; } /* Roughly 12px font */

Once your browser is displaying "inches" you'll have a better idea of what to expect. This approach should all but end the print preview method. All printers will work with pt and in units, and using the @media technique will allow you to quickly see what's going to happen and adjust accordingly. Firebug (or equivalent) will absolutely expedite that process. When you've added your changes to @media, you've got all the code you need for a linked CSS file using media = "print" attribute - just copy/paste the @media screen rules to the referenced file.

祝你好运。网络不是为印刷而生的。创建一个交付所有内容的解决方案,样式与浏览器中看到的样式相等,有时是不可能的。例如,一个以1280 x 1024观众为主的流畅布局并不总是容易转化为漂亮整洁的8.5 x 11激光打印。




2019 -更新说明

打开Chrome检查器 从Mac =>选项+命令+ i 从Windows => F12 点击小3点,自定义和控制devTools 选择更多工具 选择呈现 滚动到底部以模拟CSS媒体 从向下箭头选择打印

我假设您希望在不使用HTML转PDF方法的情况下尽可能多地控制打印窗口……使用@media屏幕调试- @media打印最终的css


@media screen and (max-width:8.5in) { /* resize your window until the event is triggered */
    html { width:8.5in; }
    body { font: 9pt/1.5 Arial, sans-serif; } /* Roughly 12px font */

Once your browser is displaying "inches" you'll have a better idea of what to expect. This approach should all but end the print preview method. All printers will work with pt and in units, and using the @media technique will allow you to quickly see what's going to happen and adjust accordingly. Firebug (or equivalent) will absolutely expedite that process. When you've added your changes to @media, you've got all the code you need for a linked CSS file using media = "print" attribute - just copy/paste the @media screen rules to the referenced file.

祝你好运。网络不是为印刷而生的。创建一个交付所有内容的解决方案,样式与浏览器中看到的样式相等,有时是不可能的。例如,一个以1280 x 1024观众为主的流畅布局并不总是容易转化为漂亮整洁的8.5 x 11激光打印。


我使用宏来发送重复的按键和鼠标点击。 在Windows下,AutoHotKey是一个很棒的软件,在OS X下,你可以读到Automator,这是OsX的替代AHK。

在Windows下(在OS X下用Cmd替换Ctrl)“Ctrl-s /切换到Fx窗口,无论它在窗口打开的列表/ Ctrl-r”绑定到1个未使用的键避免无趣任务的挫折,最终将拯救我的手臂从RSI:)
