我已经在Eclipse Helios版本下创建了一个新的动态项目,其中我的JRE版本设置为1.6。 我已经通过单击Configure→Convert to Maven Project向Web应用程序添加了Maven功能。

添加后,Eclipse Problems视图中出现了一个构建错误:

Java compiler level does not match the version of the installed Java project facet.
Unknown Faceted Project Problem (Java Version Mismatch)



TK Gospodinov answer is correct even for maven projects. Beware: I do use Maven. The pom was correct and still got this issue. I went to "Project Facets" and actually removed the Java selection which was pointing to 1.6 but my project is using 1.7. On the right in the "Runtimes" tab I had to check the jdk1.7 option. Nothing appeared on the left even after I hit "Apply". The issue went away though which is why I still think this answer is important of the specific "Project Facets" related issue. After you hit OK if you come back to "Project Facets" you will notice Java shows up as version 1.7 so you can now select it to make sure the project is "marked" as a Java project. I also needed to right click on the project and select Maven|Update Project.






您可以从更改项目方面 项目——>属性——>项目Facet——> Java——>{所需的JDK版本}

Project Facet->Java应该与maven-compiler-plugin工件源和目标的pom.xml中的任何内容相匹配。这太完美了。但是如果你在这里没有它,那么你也可以通过匹配Java编译器版本在项目方面的设置:Eclispe->首选项->Java->编译器


installed facet="jst.web" version="2.5"
installed facet="jst.java" version="1.7"

在更改配置之前,从IDE中删除项目。 这对我很管用。

右键单击项目并选择属性 从左边单击java编译器,并更改为所需的版本 希望这能有所帮助